Do you know what you've done?
I have lost myself to you, oh love
Searching for your soft presence
I fly around like a coy little doveRunning about the long passages
Webbed across a high-walled city
I look everywhere for your soul
Because I need you with intensityLost in this historic architecture
I often see your silhouette there
The chimes of your low laughter
Echo around me, rippling the airKissed by the chromatic festivity
I feel like I have teen infatuation
Drowning in the peacock colours
I am waitin' for you at the stationThey are ringing inside my heart
Tintinnabulations of temple bells
I've confused religions with love
Oh you have woven what spells!!Restin' against an old-bricked wall
I kiss your memories, oh so auric!
High roofs, old city walls, and you
Yearning for our love, so historic!Forget the skyscrapers, my darlin'
Lets get lost in these old high forts
Return back to be covered in love
Of coloured powders, sailin' boatsCome, wear that traditional dress
Carry a pitcher above your head!
Let me follow your sashayin' steps
Like a fool, wouldn't I drop dead?It could hypnotise me for eternity
The sight of your swinging braid!
I feel, I can't keep my head straight
Oh townsfolk, bring her to my aidI have lost myself to you, oh love
They tell me I have lost my mind
But I don't care for all I see is you
Drowned in colours, love is blind!***
Author's Note
Recently, I watched an Indian movie named 'Ranjhanaa' and I must say that I was infatuated with the tradition, culture, the old historic city of 'Banaras' and the love story of a silly love-struck boy. It was a lovely story and I really wanted to capture that subcontinental essence in one of my poems. I know that English can never capture it perfectly but still, I tried. I hope I succeeded. What do you think? =)❤
Oh and that image is one of the movie posters! I liked it a lot. ^-^
Take care. Spread love. Be kind. ❤
Much love,
Hazel *-*

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