Farewell - II

149 19 7

that you lostsome years agofor them smilesi

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that you lost
some years ago
for them smiles
i. let. you. go.

may you be fine
where you stay
even if it is being
many miles away

you're so happy
today, i won't cry
even if it's hard
to say goodbye

you'll make them
some new friends
while i'll hold on
to our dead ends

but don't you dare
to forget me at all
and do talk to me
on late night call

travelling abroad
it might be new
but i'm the same
old friend for you

so stay the same
for me as well
as i can't let it be
our last farewell..

Author's Note
08/02/2019 (2.29pm)

This is so simple and short. My best friend is moving abroad and she's in the plane right now. I couldn't, for the whole world, think of something pretty and complex so I just wrote it down the way I felt it. Please don't be disappointed that it's not like my other poems but I had to take it out. Thanks for cooperating with me. You're all gems! ❤

Much love,

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