Highest Achievement - #7 in poetry [Oct 3, 2016]
It's delicate, but potent.
The pain from an old wound.
A twinge in your heart..
Far more powerful than memory alone
A feeling of a place
Where we...
-My thoughts. My word...
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Slanting traces of light paint a chaos Diving into your soul, I lose this toss
That makes me walk a fragile string Vibratin' my cords, alas..let me sing!
Don't stop me tonight, I'm so insane Yeah, let me drink the drugged pain
I'll wear my scars like silver crowns I'm off to explore them exotic towns
An' I let your eyes draw out my soul Your voice helps my ache to console
I carry my unrequited love in heart Oh it's one of the most beautiful art!
Drown me into deep ecstasy tonight I feel it'll be okay to board this flight
That will make me forget each trace Of her footsteps left behind in grace
I don't care if I'm fallin' in this abyss I will do everythin' to forget her kiss
Come colour my pain with affection Add me to your time-pass collection!
I don't mind being set on selfish fire I can be your need, forget the desire
Oh how I wish I was a thorny cactus To never wither, no matter any fuss!
But do use me as much as you want! It won't hurt me, I'm withered plant
Thus, explore benefits in destruction I'm all wrong, no need for correction
Just go on, exploit my broken frame! I don't care, whatever is your name!
Let me bask in your soft poetic skills I like your black eyes givin' me chills
And as long as I loose the love's toss.. I'm okay with this so dense... . . . Chaos
Author's Note
I don't exactly remember who it was but someone sent me a direct message sayin' that I should watch this Bollywood movie, 'Ae dil hai mushkil' because it reminded her of me and my book 'Cara Evelyn'. I finally managed to somehow watch this movie last night and I must say, it was....beyond words. :')♥♡
It touched me so hard that I wrote this poem today. Read it as if a boy is narrating it. A boy who has been left by the love of his life and now he's abandoned in a night club with this exotic and poetic girl. You'll see what this poem means. I know I've crossed many boundaries today but...I adore this boy. This hero of the movie. ♥♡
Those who have watched this movie, you know it's about it from all those references from the movie i.e black eyes, poetic skills, cactus plant, the word 'sing', unrequited love, need/desire. :')
Do tell me what you think of this poem. Even if you find it profane, say it. I'm not much proud of it either...but it's kind of the dark spot that resides deep inside me. I'm sorry..I'm not perfect. :')♥♡