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Back in some little town of 'love'Lived a li'l girl, as sweet as dove

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Back in some little town of 'love'
Lived a li'l girl, as sweet as dove

She worked in this small bakery
All hidden in soft silken drapery

How she hummed low melodies
While trying out various recipes

Glassy windows appeared foggy
A steamy oven left nothin' soggy

An aroma always lingered there
Of croissants, so adornin' the air

Pies, cakes 'n' other baked goods
Stayed ready under warm hoods

Biscuits 'n' cookies were the best
But she ne'er ever forgot the rest

Her gloves, woven with soft care
Were gifted by her grandmother

Who was the best baker of town
Now living under Earth's brown

Often, she looked out of window
To give her a low respectful bow

As she rested under a grand tree
With her soul flying ever so free

The old baker was her dear part
For she taught her this good art!

And without her grandma Mary
It would be nothing, this bakery

Author's Note

Listening to 'My Love' by Sia. ❤

I mostly write in first person. This is probably the first time that I've tried writing in third person. I hope you liked it. It's just a cute little poem about a girl working in a bakery. The lesson is there, though. Never forget and always respect your teachers and elders. Where you are today has a part of who they made you into. Be thankful and be humble. :')❤

The lesson's over. Now just read it and enjoy the bakery vibes. Hehe. :D

Much Love,
Hazel *-*

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