Ten Questions- Tagged

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Guess who got tagged?

Yeah that's right, me. Hello there and welcome to, JustAnAtlantisWriter has to answer question because of tags. Here we go,

I was tagged by Always4HarryPotter to do this so, thanks buddy...

1) Superpower for the day?

Hmmm... Shapeshifting! You can be a dragon, change your hair, have the best cosplay and just mess around! My personal favorite power.

2) Favorite movie?

I love the Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter and Star Wars ones. Out of those, Twin Towers for LOTR, Prisoner Of Azkaban for HP and Return Of The Jedi for SW. Really good movies and I watched them a lot when I was younger.

3) Favorite Song?

It changes a lot but my all time favorite is Viva La Vida by Coldplay. Always been a favorite of mine.

4) Patronus?

Hmmm.... A Bat seems fitting.

5) Hogwarts House?

Probably HufflePuff.

6) Favorite Author?

I really like Rick Riodan, who created the Percy Jackson series along with some other really good ones. I really love the humor and adventure!

7) Pets?

Two cats and a fish. Maybe another fish but I can't tell if he's still there....

8) Favorite 'Feel Good' Song?

Why Worry by Set It Off is a great example. Has a 90% chance of boosting my moods when I'm down.

9) Apple or Samsung?

I like both but, I'd go with Apple.

10) Favorite Football team?

Uh..... The Ravens?

I don't really follow football that much sorry.


And that's it. I guess I'm suppose to tag people sooooo, let's go with,


You know what, if you are for some reason reading this right now and haven't done it, do it and go ahead and say I'm the one who tagged you if you want. Anyways, that's all folks.

See ya!


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