Nine Alignments- Atlantis Edition

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Ah yes, the nine alignments. I knew I was going to do this eventually so here it is. Like always, I'll give you a little insight to what the nine alignments are, just in case you don't know or have forgotten.

The Nine Alignments is from Dungeons and Dragons which you choose for your character as your moral compass. Basically, whether your character is good, evil or something in the middle, depends on where you place them. When you choose one, it effects your choices throughout the game.

Based on the personalities, I'm going to put them all in one alignment. For this, one person per alignment and I'll try to do it as accurately as possible. However, I am only  doing Seven of the Atlantis Characters and plus Tanith, for two reasons. One, Captain Deadlock hasn't been fully introduced to Atlantis at this moment so putting him in a category without his personality isn't something I can easily do and Two, no one really fits the Chaotic Evil category so that is going to be left out. I guess it's really the Eight Alignments here then.

Anyways, let's do this!

Lawful Good: Cody
A lawfully good character is a good person. They generally stick to the rules, even if they do not agree with them and always want to do what is right. If they have to break a rule, they feel pretty bad about it and always has a strong sense compassion and duty.

Cody fits this pretty well. Sure, he will bend the rules a bit but generally tries to avoid it and feels bad for doing the wrong thing. Out of everyone, he has the most good in his heart.

Neutral Good: Sam
A neutrally good character is generally a good person. They will cooperate with people of law but don't feel like they have to help out. They are fine breaking the rules and don't feel conflicted as much as a Lawfully Good person would be.

Sam also fits this pretty well. She's a good person, though she might break the rules and pull a few pranks, she's chill. Sam might help out, but doesn't feel obligated to.

Chaotic Good: Professor Pikalus
A chaotically good person does what is right and will do anything to do that. If it's for a good cause, they will break the rules and commit a crime. They will do what is necessary for the better change. Yes, they will do the right thing, but will do it in a more chaotic way then anyone else would.

This pretty much describes Professor Pikalus. To the point. Seriously, it's a little scary.

Lawful Neutral: CannibalCrab
A lawfully neutral person typically has their own personal code that they follow and will stick to it. They might also follow someone else's orders, much like a soldier would.

Yes, yes, he works for the Tide Changers and KrakenKid and all that, but here me out!

CannibalCrab is a soldier. True, he is a general but he is still a soldier at heart. He follows KrakenKid pretty much to the point that if KrakenKid commanded him to, he'd kill him. CannibalCrab is pretty much devoted to him, earning him a place in Lawfully Neutral spot.

Neutral: Tanith
A true neutral person doesn't feel connected to any alignment and stays in the middle. They might help both sides, but does not get involved as much as possible. They try and stay balanced. They tend to follow themselves, rather than good or evil.

Though this doesn't fit her as much as I'd like, Tanith is the closest person to True Neutral. She tries to stay on both sides, generally follows herself and what she thinks is right and tries to be balanced. Truthfully, she's more of a Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral, but once again, only person closest to Neutral.

Chaotic Neutral: Selena
A chaotically neutral follows their heart, rather than anything else. They might avoid rules and do whatever they want to do, though they tend not to cause much damage while doing it.

Yeah, this is Selena. She follows what she thinks is right and though she does play by the rules, she breaks them too, as seen when she shoplifted and got caught.

Lawful Evil: KrakenKid
A lawfully evil person might be evil or have intentions to do that, but they follow a strict rules that they keep to and never cross them.

KrakenKid is just that. He might try and take over Atlantis or attack the lab and kill many of the people in it, BUT DO NOT MESS WITH KIDS. NO. THAT'S BAD. He follows his own rules and though he'll break Atlantis's rules, he will NEVER break his own.

And finally,

Neutral Evil: Baby Blooper
A neutrally evil person does have evil goals or intentions, but they follow themselves. They don't normally do something that doesn't benefit themselves.

It's not perfect, but it does work on some degree for Baby Blooper. To be honest, Blooper normally only helps out when he has to and just wants to prank people, regardless of who it is. Blooper doesn't really do evil for the Tide Changers, but rather for himself. He follows himself.


And there we have it! The Nine (Eight) Alignments! Do you agree? Disagree? Tell me! Also, if someone finds someone who fits the Chaotic Evil category for Atlantis, please tell me! I couldn't think of anybody.

I hope you liked it! Be sure to comment! Bye!


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