Something Scarier...

102 11 16

Third Person

When KrakenKid was very young, just a baby by kraken standards, he was scared of the dark.

He was scared how he couldn't see well in it, how it was surrounded by mystery and blinded him to anything that he found of comfort. The darkness was his true fear, and he couldn't get over it.

But then one morning when his mother took him down to the beach, he was playing in the thick waters and found something new.

His mother's back was turned, busy trying to set up a picnic so she couldn't warm him of what the strange creature was, so his curious self approached it.

He noticed it was alive, but that was it. He didn't notice how the other fish steered clear of it, or how it seemed to be getting defensive.

So when he touched it, this animal would put up its defensive and shock him. He screamed, never feeling this pain before, and ran away from it.

His mother came to KrakenKid's aid and helped the sting, making it eventually go away with help, but KrakenKid would never forget the pain.

Darkness became child's play, and this new found animal, he would later find it was called a Jellyfish, was his greatest fear.

And so nothing was scarier than a Jellyfish.


As KrakenKid grew up, he would still stick to his intense Jellyfish fear for ages, insisting nothing could possibly beat that.

But tensions rose between krakens and the other Atlanteans, and it was only a matter of time before it snapped.

KrakenKid barely escaped the bloodshed with his mother's help, but would never forget the way he felt once it was over.

Blood in the water, the deafening silence from where the krakens once roamed, and with nobody left, KrakenKid was utterly alone.

Poseidon, the King of Atlantis, had wiped out his entire kind and barely seemed to pay the same price.

While he was supposed to be a God of the Sea, to KrakenKid, he had become a God of Death, wiping out entire races and having a heart colder than anything anyone could comprehend.

And if he laid his eyes on KrakenKid, he would suffer a similar fate.

Jellyfish, while terrifying, could not match this.

And so nothing was scarier than Poseidon.


More time had passed and KrakenKid only felt safe when Poseidon had disappeared from Atlantis, where he was, presumably dead, or still alive but not coming back, and that was good enough to KrakenKid.

So he went after Atlantis, doing what he could to bring it down, and ran into a bit of a problem.

Poseidon's sons, specifically, the penguin, Cody.

Cody was persistent and kept popping up everywhere, so KrakenKid did what he could to stop that. Imprisoned, intimidated, and everything he could to get him to back off.

But Cody didn't.

He attacked KrakenKid's own home with an army, and a strong one at that. He charged through his home, taking his son and wrecking havoc and when KrakenKid had no place to run, stabbed him and left him for dead.

Poseidon became old news, because though he did destroy his people's world as he knew it when he was younger, Cody had almost destroyed him and his world he worked so hard to build.

It had gotten even more personal than before, KrakenKid didn't think that was possible.

And so nothing was scarier than Cody.


KrakenKid thought it would end with Cody, but he overlooked something, or rather, someone else.

Poseidon's other son, Cody's Brother and the chicken, Joe.

Joe was a funny little guy who, when KrakenKid met him, probably lost a couple marbles on the journey to find more about his father. He was just silly, or at least, that's how KrakenKid saw him.

But, as KrakenKid and him took the throne, he began to change.

Maybe it was being back in Atlantis that sprung up old memories, or maybe it was the Nexus or even something he said, but those marbles were collected again, and it was the little things that made him different.

On the battlefield of war, the brothers met, and something happened to Joe.

A floodgate in his mind broke open, and it was like he remembered who he used to be, farther back than even Cody remembered.

And he turned on him.

Joe screamed at the kraken about how he was using him while KrakenKid did his best to explain that on his side of things, Cody was the villain.

But who would he believe? His brother, or someone he didn't know as well as he thought.

Poseidon was scary, Cody was more so, but Joe unlocking his potential of Atlantean Energy and turning on him? That took the cake.

Never had he seen someone so angry before, and so terrifyingly powerful. Even Cody was trying to stop him from being unreasonable, but it didn't do a thing.

And so, nothing was scarier than Joe.

Wow... I honestly didn't know I would go there when I started this but... I did for some reason... There you go.

I wanted to do a little Drabble from KrakenKid's perspective and this just sorta happened? Ohhhhh boy what did I make

Anyways, I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment on what you though because I have no idea what I just made and goodbye


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