Eye For An Eye...

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Alright, I made a thing. Here are some details before I show you.

One, this is based on what's been currently going on in the Atlantis series.

Two, it was originally going to be a comic but due to my lack of artistic abilities and the length it would have to be, it became more of a little short if anything.

And finally, three: It takes place as Third Person but pretty much KrakenKid's perspective after he came back to the Conch Command and found a bunch of Atlantis guards and Cody there.

Here we go!

Third Person

KrakenKid had to escape to the tunnels as fast as possible. He didn't care if he was seen at this point, he just needed to get out of there.

Seeing his home like that? Overrun with Atlanteans, metal replacing much of it, and just everything that made his home home, gone or out of sight? It made him sick, not just to his stomach, but his heart as well.

He could only think about what happened to the people he cared about now that their safe haven was invaded, and fear took over his whole body.

So KrakenKid fled and only stopped when he was in the safety of his tunnels. There, he heaved and just scrambled for a breath, hoping something would hold him onto reality, or at least let him escape whatever nightmare he was in.

It can't be real! Please! This can't happen! Not again! I thought... I thought they'd be safe! Why Cody? How could you have done this? We had a deal!

KrakenKid felt his senses start to overload, splitting him apart at the seams and filling him up with no positive emotions. He was so lost.

Home was where the heart is, right? But he kept his heart with the Conch Command and with the people he loved. Now that all of that was gone, he felt so utterly lost. There was no heart to guide him now.

He never heard the chicken behind him catch up, nor did he seem to notice him as he loomed behind him in either confusion or slight worry, maybe both.

As his vision blurred from tears, KrakenKid sniffed, trying to wipe his tears away.

"Are you..." Joe hesitated behind him. He knew he shouldn't be too nosey about other people's personal problems, but he had to say something. "Crying?"

In any other situation, KrakenKid would have never said anything to an Atlantean, much less their king! He probably would have yelled at him to mind his own business and deal with his problems later.

But this wasn't an ordinary situation. This was too much for him to handle right now, and he couldn't stop himself from spilling out feelings before he could even think.

Joe actually listened, and weirdly enough, he defended him. He stabilized him, and in the end, his "You can't trust a penguin" comment made KrakenKid calm down, just enough to realize something.

As KrakenKid stared at Joe, it came to him: Cody took everything from him. His home, his trust, his family, everything!

But right now? He had an opportunity.

His eyes glanced behind him, remembering the state of his base, and he gritted his teeth. Then, he looked at Joe.

Eyes switching back from where he had run, he left a silent message for Cody.

You have taken everything from me, penguin.

His eyes drifted back to Joe. Cody's desperation in finding him returned to his mind as he smirked.

I intend to return the favor.

I'm not sure why, but I really want to create that little short! That's kinda how I imagined it going down in KrakenKid's head, plus it sounded cool so I had to make it!

I hope you liked this thingy! Be sure to comment what you thought, and goodbye!


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