I Tried So Hard To Resist

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Buttttt I might've done little headcannons...
Credit goes to Wolf-Wisdom for inspiring me to want to do these! She makes really great ones!

Anyways, take 'em!

1- KrakenKid Is Light
Like, "Weighs 90 pounds" light because octopuses aren't very heavy, so Krakens probably aren't either. He tries to keep it on the down low but Cannibal once picked him up, found this out and starting swinging him around. Never had anyone heard a more high pitched scream.

2- Blooper Loves RomComs
A lot. To him, Romantic-Comedies are the best combination ever. Of all time. Of course, he's pretty embarrassed since those movies are really sappy and telling people he loves those movies always gets weird looks. Fortunately, his Dad knows and doesn't care, offering to watching movies like this with him.

3- Weird Music Taste
Not only does CannibalCrab listen to literally everything, but at really weird times. KrakenKid wanted him to calm down and he turned on heavy rock and completely relaxed, then later got pumped up for battle with classical. There are times where if you enter his house, you will have no idea what language someone on his radio is singing but Cannibal is singing along and knows every freaking word.

4- Intense Fear Of Spiders
It's normal to be afraid of spiders, but Pikalus has a freaking deathly fear of them. All those monsters in his lab he can deal with for breakfast, but as soon as he sees a spider he SCREAMS SO LOUD and has to have somebody else kill it. It's not even funny anymore and everyone is so done.

5- CannibalCrab's Jealousy
CannibalCrab gets really jealous reallly easily, especially over KrakenKid. He firmly likes to stay his best friend and that is FINAL. He was most jealous of Larsa since KrakenKid and him were really close but of course that became guilt when he died. There are conspiracies that CannibalCrab was responsible for his death but of course they have no proof.

6- Sam Vs. Urban Legends
There's a lot of stories around Sam since most Atlanteans aren't really sure where she goes all day. Some say she's really a siren and lures people to their death. Others say she's an undercover agent for the Atlantis guard. Some even think her and Cody have a secret child that she goes to see every day, hidden away because the world's too dangerous. Nobody's really sure which ones are right, if any.

7- Pearl Being Multi-Lingual
Pearl knows a lot of different languages and though this sounds really useful, her main use is insulting people in them so they don't know. 89% of the time is Tsunami with Jetstream next and whoever is unfortunately enough to puss her off. It was a secret at first but some people are catching on...
(I'm sorry waterpearl123 but I had to)

8- Personal Mailwoman
Selena and Sam get so much mail that they actually have to have their own personal mailwoman. Blooper constantly sends packages to Selena, most of which are really weird like an entire box full of pudding when she was sick, a weird rock he found "That reminded him of her" and once, himself. Cody does the same with Sam and it's always like "You mentioned you were cold so I bough you some sweaters" or "Didn't you say you liked this necklace when we passed by it?" And other sweet things with cute notes inside.

9- Sleepover?
Tanith has frequent nightmares and whenever they get really bad, she'll go to someone's house and sleep somewhere in there. Often, one of her friends will wake up and find her sleeping on the couch even though the door was clearly locked. (Window wasn't) It's become a regular occurrence, so much so that they've found a pattern: Whoever the nightmare is about, she'll go sleep in their house.

10- The Dad And Mom Friend United
KrakenKid being an actual Dad and Sam often acting like a Mom to Selena bring them to a weird friendship. It all started when Selena and Blooper got lost and they had to team up to find them, but it soon turned into late night calls, taking turns ranting to each other about their problems and the other giving advice and going "Oh I know honey, I know."

11- The Plushy
Cody keeps it a secret, but he sleeps with a stuffed animal. No, not the teddy bear, though he does love that one, but rather one that looks just like a mini Joe. He hugs it when he misses him. The only person who knows about this is Rasmus. Alternately, when Joe left, he brought his own mini Cody with him and does the same.

12- Just A Cold
The first day Blooper got sick, even though it was just a little cold, KrakenKid flipped out. He rushed him to the hospital and demanded a complete check out to make sure he was okay. He was, of course, but his complete overreaction still gets teasing from Darrel to this day.

13- Imitation
It doesn't matter who they are or what the reason was for, but everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has at some point, dressed up as KrakenKid and imitated his voice as best as they could. So far, Rasmus holds best voice, Blooper has best look and CannibalCrab is tied with Darrel for best acting. KrakenKid has only caught a handful of people doing this.

14- Copy Cat
Professor once made a bunch of copies of himself to get everything done faster. However, the copies started getting minds of their own and more than half became corrupted, teaming up to rob banks. Oddly enough, the one who didn't was the one mistake: The least like Professor.

15- Biological Clock
Because of the Hulk, Professor Pikalus' biological clock is slowed down. That's why though he's pretty old, he looks still young, and it'll remain that way. Jerold predicts that there's a possibility that he might die from old age still looking as young and still as full of energy as he is now.

16- Mechanics
Sam is naturally good at putting things together to create machines, and possibly as good as Professor himself. However, she's never gone into the job field before so she never really got into it and doesn't think she's that great.

17- Battle Of Camouflage
Selena and Sam are the best at hide and go seek. Never challenge them to it, not only will you lose, but you won't be able to find them for days unless you give up. It's even worse when they play against each other because neither gives up. Cody had to force them to stop after three days.

18- Cooking Master
Blooper is the best cook you will ever find, but he's often too lazy to do it. If you ever find the rare opportunity that he does cook for you, you will be in heaven for a brief moment.

19- Halloween
Though the topic was at first, very frightening with scary costumes and random people coming to her door, once Cody explained Halloween to Tanith, she got right into the fun. It had been a while since anyone got a grown woman trick-or- treating with a terrible costume on, but no one denied her candy.

20- The Snow globe
When leaving their old lives behind, Cody and Joe both picked something out that would helped them remind them of the old life. Cody chose a picture which was later framed of everyone he loved, and Joe chose a tacky snow globe from the gift shop. He loved that stupid snow globe so much, but when he left, it was left behind. After months, one day, it accidentally broke. On the same day, Cody was told his brother was dead.

Hopefully that makes up for Torn not being ready yet because that one is going to take a while...

Anyways, I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment what you think, remember, these are just my headcannons, you don't have to agree to them. Goodbye!


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