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It's been too long... MUST! MAKE! MEMES!

*After "Weakness"*

Ace: I have known Chester for less than twenty four hours, but if anything were to happen to him, I would kill everyone in Atlantis and then myself

KrakenKid: So, Cannibal, you're trying to become my general and you've already challenged to fight me six times during this interview-

CannibalCrab: Make it SEVEN *Pulls out another sword*

KrakenKid: *Leans over to Darrel who is very ready for a fight* He's the one

Selena: Guys, don't worry about my sister. She has her bow and arrow

KrakenKid: Bow and arrow? You mean plasma gun, right?

Selena: No, she has a-

CannibalCrab: Shotgun? Surely you mean that!

Selena: Not that either. She doesn't have a gun

Blooper: What do you mean "She doesn't have a gun"? You mean she has her pistol on her?

Selena: Guys! There are weapons outside of guns!

Professor Pikalus: I think we should take out relationship to the next level

CannibalCrab: You want to try to kill each other for real?


KrakenKid: Sticks and stones may break my bones but SPEARS ARE FAR MORE EFFECTIVE CANNIBAL HELP

KrakenKid: Okay, so you've made it clear. You're going to be my new Da-

Darell: Your mother.

KrakenKid: Okay, that's good too. But who's my father then? CannibalCrab?

Darrel: *Smirking* No, he's my son-in-law

KrakenKid and CannibalCrab: *Both Stand up and leave the room*

Blooper: *High fives Darrel*

Professor Pikalus: Dude, you remind me so much of Poseidon

Cody: I'm not him

Professor Pikalus: Well, I know that!

Cody: Good! Now, what are you up to to-

Professor Pikalus: Poseidon literally used to say that to me! Are you a reincarnation?

Selena: Look at Professor, surrounded by all those books... Probably reading about quantum physics or something, thinking he's so sophisticated.

Professor Pikalus: *Surrounded by the complete Twilight Saga* *Whispers*Team Jacob for the win

Sam: Cody, where did you learn Spanish?

Cody: *Hides all the volumes of Dora The Explorer under his bed sheets* High school

Rasmus: Okay, we're putting this to a vote! Cody?

Cody: Yes!

Rasmus: KrakenKid?

KrakenKid: I wasn't listening but I strongly disagree with Cody

Cody: You didn't have a happy childhood?

KrakenKid: My favorite toy was a vacuum cleaner, fill in the blanks.

Professor Pikalus: I am a grown man!

Sam: You're a toddler in a lab coat, nice try

Blooper: Can we get a birthday cake?

KrakenKid: But it's not your birthday

Blooper: The cake won't know

Selena: It's so dark!

Blooper: Don't worry babe, I got this! *Stomps on ground. Sketchers light up*

Selena: Please day words of encouragement so I don't strangle Blooper right now

Sam: There is no makeup in prison

Selena: *Deep sigh* Thank you

Rasmus: *Tucking the kids in* So you see kids, there's hope for anyone!

Cody: *Raises hand* Even me?

Joe: HA!

CannibalCrab: That was a successful shopping trip!


CannibalCrab: As I said, successful!

KrakenKid: *Bumps into door*

Tanith: *Gasps* Are you Okay?

KrakenKid: I'm fine

Tanith: *Glares at door* Hurt him again and I'll take you down

Blooper: If I were a millionaire, I'd buy a million melons. Then I'd be a mellionaire

Selena: How do you have friends again?

Blooper: Because I'm a mellionaire

This has to be one of my favorite batches

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this! Be sure to comment, and goodbye!


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