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"Maverick... Please." KrakenKid begged, tears starting to form in his eyes. He looked down at all he had accomplished and saw how easily it could be taken away in a matter of a few simple moves. Cody could take it all away.

He looked up again, catching the penguin's eyes and pleaded to them. "Don't do this. Don't do this to me!"

Cody's breath got caught in his throats and he have a hard swallow. How tempting it was, to eliminate his rival in a matter of seconds, but he couldn't help but feel conflicted. KrakenKid had given him a hand when he needed it, but that was a long time ago. Cody knew he could win this, he just needed to do it.

"Cody." Professor's voice made him snap out of his thoughts. He faced the Irishman, getting a nod from him. "Do it." He whispered. "End this bloody war."

Cody stared down at what would bring the kraken's downfall, but still didn't move.

"He showed me no mercy, so what's to say he won't turn around and do the same to you? People like him don't change, not really anyways."

Professor was the only who found the strength to speak. Tanith couldn't move and the Sneaky Sister only watched, staring Cody down as if to say, "Make the right choice" in their on little way. CannibalCrab stood by KrakenKid side, but he knew he could do nothing to help at this point. Blooper was in a similar state as the crab, but stood by Selena's side.

In fact, in the end it was just Cody and him. The others weren't threats that he had to worry about, but KrakenKid was.

"Cody. Don't do this to me. We can work this out! I helped you before, remember?"

"He's a liar, he betrayed me! End it, Cody! Make your move!"

Cody's mind spun in a million different directions but in the end, he made his choice. KrakenKid could only watch in horror as the weapon was set up. One wrong move and KrakenKid was out of the game.

Cody stared at what he had done, then locked eyes with the leader of the Tide Changers. "Your move, KrankyKid."

KrakenKid gulped. Only one shot to do this. Only one shot to survive.

No one could help him.

He was on his own.

He moved carefully, but as he approached where he'd land, his face paled. He landed right in the danger zone. His face filled up with an agonizing pain as his head shot up to see Cody.

Cody gave a hefty sigh, but he knew it had to be done.

"Pay up."

KrakenKid let to a wail and flipped the board, sending pieces scattering everywhere, some hitting people in the face.


Tanith frowned. "Aww, we were still playing... I was doing good too!"

"Yeah." Sam glared at him but had a joking tone to it. "Why'd you have to flip the board?"

KrakenKid scoffed, crossing his arms. "We all know I was the only one who could have won against Cody, the rest of you stood no chance." His gaze soon turned to the smirking penguin. "Like I said, screw you."

"Sorry but all's fair in the game of love and war bud. I got Boardwalk fair and square, and I payed for those hotels with my own money." He shrugged. "Don't be a sore loser."

KrakenKid let out a growl and stormed out of the room. "I'M NEVER PLAYING MONOPOLY WITH YOU AGAIN!"
Yeah, I came up with this a while ago and since I was busy all day, I got home, remember this and just made it!

Did ya like it? I had a lot of fun teasing that it was a lot more sinister! Also, did I get anybody or did anyone guess it from the start? Tell me!

I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment and see ya!


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