Favorite Episodes- Atlantis

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Before I start, I know I've been doing this a lot more than my other books but that's mainly because my next chapter of Sea Serpent is taking longer than expected! I already have 2,000 words on the chapter and I'm not done yet, so bare with me!

Now, on to the topic of hand! I have decided to do this because... I wanted to? Anyways, I think I'll do top ten because there is a lot of great ones! They will be from all three of the Atlantis series and mostly in Cody's perspective because going through EVERYONE'S episodes will take a long time. I am warning you right now, I'm going to have a very long paragraph on why these are my favorites but, let's do this!

10) The first episode: The Forgotten City

The reason it's on here is because I'm a sucker for first episodes. I love to see how the characters first come into play, how they were introduced and how they acted, then compare it to how they grow. I mean look at Cody! I mean he's the same dork who came to Atlantis but he's grown! He can freeze time now! (Granted, he can't control it but still!) and he's expanding to the Overworld! Progress is amazing!

9) KrakenKid steals the Gauntlet

I mainly like this one because it's the first time Atlantis really turned serious. Before it was like "We got tricked by the Sneaky Sisters! Now we're fighting a giant lobster" or "Meet Professor Pikalus!" but then suddenly "The lab, a place we thought was safe, got attacked by this new character who also beat the Professor, killed a bunch of people and stole something that could become a nuclear bomb!" and I wasn't prepared for that. I mean dude! What? 0-100 right there. After that, Atlantis really began to form. Their father was revealed, there were more invasions and attacks and it just really evolved!

8) Attack on the Conch Command

Holy crap. Like I said before, the stealing of the gauntlet was just wow but this made it look like it was just play fighting. Watching this was actually heart wrenching for me! I loved both sides and I was in a state of both internal high pitched screaming and shock. I was like "Wow, good job Cody!" and "No! Hold on Kraken!" at the same time and then by the part two, I was just flopped on the ground, unsure of how I was feeling and extremely distressed and conflicted. On one hand, "Hey Cody won!" but on the other, "HE DIED?!?!?!??!?! WHAT NO COME BACK! HA HA NICE JOKE THERE BUD! YOU BETTER BE ALIVE" and I didn't think they'd actually do that! Atlantis got intense after this and I love that. Yes, it got emotional and the emotions hit me like a firetruck, buttttt still! I like it!

7) Goodbye Atlantis

Okay, this was absolutely great! Pikalus and Cody got some bro time and Cody actually stated he was having nightmares about killing KrakenKid, which really showed off a real side to him! I mean, not like he isn't normally, but a lot of heroes who kill the villain have no regret, but Cody does. Plus, Atlantis is expanding and a sweet space elevator!

6) Secret mission to take down KrakenKid

Let's go down the list of what happened:
-Brilliant trap on Kraken's part that worked almost perfectly
-Cool sponge thing
-KrakenKid starts screaming at his clueless guard, who has no idea what's going on, to free him
-KrakenKid just shouting things at Cody as he tries to get his USB
-This quote  Kraken: "I need water or else I'm going to die!"
Cody: "You'll be fine!"
-Sass on Kraken's part holy crap
- "KrakenKid? How are you doing?" How do you think? XD
- "Don't touch Harold" Touch him and you die
- "Squids can stay out of water for at least 10 seconds!"
"It's been a lot longer than ten seconds there buddy. I don't know where you learned math."
That Sass though
-That screaming at the end though. Don't mess with his zip drive
And finally,
-Shady one liner from Cody
Need I say more?

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