Here's Some Memes And An Important A/N!

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So... That's a title.....

Let's just do memes

Professor Pikalus: You know the question I'm most asked?

CannibalCrab: Would you please leave the premises?

Cody: Dude, do you have a crush on me or something? Is this why you always act like this?

Sam: *Exasperated sigh* Cody, we've been married for five years

Tanith: KK! Apologize to Cody!

KrakenKid: *Sighs* Un-ScrewYou or whatever

Blooper: Is there a hall of fame for what I do?

Selena: Yes, its called prison

Blooper: Ha! Cannibal, Professor! You're under mistletoe!

Professor Pikalus: *lights mistletoe on fire* What mistletoe

KrakenKid: You know, me and Cannibal know each other so well, we can finish each other's-

CannibalCrab: Sentences!

KrakenKid: Don't interrupt me

Cody: We're under attack! Quick! Grab my hand!

Sam: *Grabs hand* Alright, what now?

Cody: Nothing, I just wanted you to hold my hand

KrakenKid: Ah, thank you for being here! Let's get started

CannibalCrab: You're in a good mood!

KrakenKid: *Eating* I was talking to my special chicken

KrakenKid: *Unconscious*

Cody: Oh no... He's not breathing! What do we do?

Selena: Give him mouth to mouth!

KrakenKid: *Wakes up and slaps Cody* Don't even think about it

KrakenKid: I'm quick at math

Selena: Alright, what's 23 X 47?

KrakenKid: 79!

Selena: That's not even close!

KrakenKid: But it was quick

CannibalCrab: *Bear hugs KrakenKid*

KrakenKid: Whoa! What was that?

CannibalCrab: Affection!

KrakenKid: Disgusting!

KrakenKid: .... Do it again

Tanith: Whoa there! I don't just fall in love with anybody! I'm a medic with standards!

KrakenKid: hi


CannibalCrab: KrakenKid's gone, time to make every chair in the Conch Command uneven!

Gnash: ... Why?

CannibalCrab: He's 90% of my impulse control

Officer: Alright, you two were definitely over the speed limit. What's your names?

Blooper: Don't tell him, Selena!

Officer: Right, Selena and...?

Blooper: Crap...

Selena: Nice going, Blooper!

Officer: And Blooper

Selena: Wait no!

KrakenKid: Cody, we need to talk

Cody: Uh... Okay?

KrakenKid: You need to stop with all of... This

Cody: ... You just gestured to all of me

KrakenKid: Glad we had this conversation

Future Child: A-... Aaaa-!

Me: Oh! Their first words! What is it honey? Apple? Appendix? Afro?




Anyways, onto the important A/N!

This is the 99th chapter, meaning chapter 100 is the next one and hoLY CRAP WHOA

I wanna do something special, and as it just so happens, July 31st is my birthday! (Also Harry Potter's birthday :3) I'm not sure what I specifically want to do so I was hoping y'all would help me with that!

What do you guys want?

I could do some sort of Q&A where you guys can ask me questions or something? I could make memes about myself? Uh... I could leak a picture that has huge spoilers about upcoming events in Sea Serpent? I could create this one "Choose Your Own Adventure" book I've been thinking of making? Leak new book ideas in general and have you guys vote on which one to make first? Somehow do all of it? WHAT DO YOU WANTTTTT?

Moving on, I hope you guys enjoyed the memes! Be sure to comment what you thought, and farewell!


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