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Uh... I had a tag that said put creative title and this looks good... I think. I tried.

So TheShadowPhantom tagged me first and then Wolf-Wisdom did it too sooo

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So TheShadowPhantom tagged me first and then Wolf-Wisdom did it too sooo... Double tagged!

Thirteen facts, here we go!

1) I'm not sure if I've ever directly stated it but I'm a female, though you can pretty much call me anything you want and I won't care.
Except a shark.
I will take offense to that, those things are TERRIFYING
...Moving on, just thought I'd clarify I'm not a bunch of spiders manifested into physical form.

2) I can't handle spicy foods. Even pepper.
I will die in a fiery pit of spiciness for my mouth isn't strong enough for it.
My brother tried serving me green chili once
Big. Mistake.

3) I'm a bit of a night owl. And when I mean bit I mean heavily. In the summer, there was rarely a day where I fell asleep before midnight and I was regularly up until 1-2.
Going back to school times hit hard.
And I need a lot of sleep to function.

4) I'm slightly intimidated by dogs. Almost all dogs excluding those tiny babies.
Don't get me wrong, I love dogs and I'd love to have one but...
They're so big and hyper.
They could tear off my limbs
Why do they keep moving their head please I just want to pet you without fear of you biting my hand off

5) I'm in America. Yay.

6) I recent cut my hair shorter! Like down to my shoulders and I love it because now I don't need half of the shampoo bottle to wash it anymore!
It's so much easier to maintain holy frick fracken smokes man

7) I'm very particular about when I do things and I don't know why?
Like I have specific times when I check Wattpad and I really hate to break those times unless it's URGENT so I often wait until at least past 5 to update.

8) I have so many book ideas
Too many
I'd be crushed under the weight of my own books if Iceshard1011 wasn't my impulse control for that department
Thanks buddy!

9) I also have too many OC's that I start making and then stop halfway through.
Even worse, I make whole books worth of OC's and I don't know what to do with them.
Somebody stop me, I'm making like fifty RvB ones

10) I've been meaning to ask for a while but is anyone else on that discord Atlantis thingy? I am but I'm never sure what to say so I just... Haven't said anything.

11) I have a very big NOTP but someone here ships it
And I have just been silent watching
Letting them do their thing because people can ship what they want
Even though I hate it so much
With a passion
But you do you man

12) I'm that person who's comeback to everything is "You face is (enter word here)"
Even if it wasn't an insult.
Example: "Now take a right-"
"Your face needs to take a right"
"Please, this isn't the time to-"
"You face isn't the time to do whatever you were going to say"
"*Deep sigh*"

13) I'm really bad with names
Like I'll just meet someone, learn their name, then forget it five minutes later.
Then I'll be too embarrassed to ask and wait for someone else to say it
And repeatedly call them buddy until then

That's what I got

I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment what you think and I'll see y'all later, goodbye!


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