Some Short Headcannons: Habits

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I had a couple shorter headcannons so I figured I'd just group them together! Here we go!

1- Pickles
KrakenKid calls Professor Pikalus "Pickles"
Not even as a mocking way or anything, he just calls him Pickles. Other Tide Changers have come to realize that KrakenKid doesn't even notice it half the time, it's just a habit. 98% of the time, if he ever brings up anything about pickles, he's talking about Professor.

2- Sleep walker
Cody is a big time sleep walker. However, he doesn't know because nobody has told him. The guards are so used to guiding him to the safety of his bed that they don't even bring it up.

3- Pick pocketing
Captain Deadlock is a big time pick pocketer, and it's a really bad habit. It's just so easy for him to slip into people's pockets and steal their wallet, and it's so hard to break that people have given up. His whole crew is used to it and whenever something goes missing, they know where to look.

4- Swords
Both Sam and Selena can't stop collecting swords and armor. They don't even use half of them, they just can't stop. Seriously. So many swords... Have you seen their armory?

5- Animals Like Him
For some odd reason, animals seem to like Professor. Of course, when this happened, he'd adopt them and it got to the point where they had to forcibly remove him from the area, just so they could get him to give some pets up. It faded for a while but now with Glitch, Water Dragon and a ton of other monsters locked up in his lab, it's coming back.

6- Imitation
Only a few select Tide Changers know this, but Blooper secretly imitates his father. He'll take his gun, stand on the table to make himself taller and pretend to give troops orders, or have a fake fight with Cody. Even as he gets older, he can't stop.

7- Phones
(Who saw this one coming?)
Yep. Phones. Maybe he breaks them really easily, gets them taken away, collects them or uses them carelessly, but there is no doubt about it that CannibalCrab has a crapload a phones.
So many phones...
All types too! He has IPhones, flip phones and everything in between.

8- Names
Tanith has a habit of either naming something, or nicknaming something. More than half the time, she doesn't realize it until someone points it out, but she keeps doing it anyways. To everything.
She's going to name her phone next...
Charlie, boom. Done.

Originally this was just going to be the first three, but it kept going until I did practically everyone.

Maybe I have a problem...

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed these things! Be sure to comment what you thought of them and I'll see ya!


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