Headcanon- Darrel & Rasmus The Dads

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Okay, before I get into this, little trivia for ya if you don't know what a Headcanon is. Here is my personal definition on it.
Headcanon- A phrase used by Fans about a book/Tv show/ etc. about an idea they have that is not been said in the universe of the thing but they have reason to believe that it is true because of what they have seen.

Or basically what you think is true even though it is not outwardly said in the actual thing.

Anyways, ONWARDS

So I love the Realm Of Atlantis and I've always loved the funny little NPC's that help make the story become what it is. Among my favorite is Rasmus and Darrel (Darrel is probably my favorite) and their relationship with whom ever they serve has always been something I've noticed.

When it comes to Cody and KrakenKid, they seem to have parallel parts about them that make them similar, even though one plays the Villain and the other, the Hero. (Which I love because it makes you see they aren't so different) Some of these things are like how they both are leaders, have a general (CannibalCrab and Professor Pikalus, who are rivals), both would do anything for their people, both are complete dorks, you get the point but most of all, both have a trusted adviser, Darrel and Rasmus.

Darrel and Rasmus both, in a way, take care of Cody and KrakenKid, always helping them in struggles, always trying to lift whatever weight they can off of their shoulders by taking care of taxes and stuff, and both seem to care about the person they help. They always are supportive and loving so,

My headcanon is that they act as Dads to them.

Think about it, everyone has that fatherly figure to them, whether it's their Dad or not. Since Cody's is dead and we have no idea what happened to KrakenKid's parents because they aren't shown (I have my theories though) then the people who are most up for the job is Darrel and Rasmus.

Plus it's so cute too. Imagine this:
Cody having a tough day on Fathers Day, for obvious reasons so Rasmus takes him out to town and spends the whole day cheering him up. It takes a while but in the end Cody is smiling and laughing again. Rasmus smiles knowing he's done a good job. At the end of the day, Cody starts crying and hugs Rasmus saying Thank You's over and over again with Rasmus shedding a tear or two over it.

Or this:
KrakenKid has a bad day. Maybe it's one of those, everything that could go wrong did- Murphy's Law sorta thing. He starts to overflow with stress, stomps up to Darrel and starts to rant about EVERY LITTLE THING that made him blow. Darrel listens, he knows that Kraken needs this. This goes on for a while but when he stops, Darrel started to talk about that things that went right. The things that could have gone much worse. Darrel starts to point out the little things that KrakenKid has to be thankful of, making him feel better and better about what happened. This goes on for a while until it's late at night and KrakenKid is beginning to fall asleep. Darrel helps him up stairs as best he can, maybe a couple of Illithids help, and then tucks him in. Darrel says goodnight but as he's leaving, the sleep deprived KrakenKid says, "Thanks Dad" and he stops in his tracks. KrakenKid doesn't realize his mistake until the morning but Darrel can't believe it. Darrel looks back at the now sleeping kraken and smiles softly. "Night son" He says and leaves to get back to work.

I'm sorry but I love this so much...


So? Headcanon accepted or nah? I don't know about you guys, but this is my own personal theory and no one can tell me otherwise without some strong cannon proof. What do ya'll think? Should I post more Headcanons or no? I have a couple more if you'd like.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! Be sure to comment your thoughts and I'll see you later! Bye!


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