Different Ways To Say

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You know, it's beautiful how we have so many different ways to say "I love you"

There are different languages, but also just sentences that are said at the right time.

Here are some examples...

Je t'aime

Did you get home okay?

Te quiero

I'd never hurt you

You Idiot

You have no idea how many bad jokes I've had to sit through to find a good enough one.

I guess I just wanted to make sure you're still alive. You okay? I'm getting a little worried- not like I don't think you can handle yourself! But...

Never change Joe


You're not a killer

It's a temporary time machine. It'll only work for ten minutes but I figured you could use it.

He's had a long day, let him sleep.

Cody? CODY! Hey! Stay awake! Stay with me!

*Whispers* If you didn't get that, those are mostly lines from my books, expect the first three. It's a joke, but also half serious at the same time. Just... Don't question it. Enjoy.

If you're curious, I do have the references for all the quotes if you want to find one and see the context. I promise at least 90% will make sense.

Anyways, I had fun scouring my books for those quotes so I hope you liked it! Be sure to comment your thoughts. Goodbye!


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