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... And no Sea Serpent update but MOSTLY THE MEMES

KrakenKid: Look what I found!

CannibalCrab: I found it!

KrakenKid: Look what I took credit for finding!

Cody: It's over, we won!

*Defeated Monster begins to get back up again*

Selena: UH

Professor Pikalus: *Furiously points behind Cody*

Cody: No! We won. I'm not turning around and seeing it. We won, end of story

KrakenKid: *Vlogging* I'm taking lil Blooper here out to get some human clothes

Blooper: Just some pants

KrakenKid: Yep! And the pants are right over ttttthhhhhhhTHE FLOOOR IS LAVA


KrakenKid: 5, 4, 3

Blooper: I'm not-!

KrakenKid: 2

Blooper: I HATE YOU *Launches self onto a nearby shelf and knocks down everything*

KrakenKid: *Cracks up*


KrakenKid: So worth it!

CannibalCrab: I made this friendship bracelet for you

KrakenKid: You know, I'm not much of a jewelry person

CannibalCrab: You don't have to wear it...

KrakenKid: No, screw you. I'm wearing it. Forever. BACK OFF.

Selena: So... What's KrakenKid going to do for the distraction?

Cody: I don't know... Probably throw a rock at a window. That's what I would do

*A building explodes and sirens go off*

Cody: Orrrr he's going to do that... I'm not even that surprised

Cody: *Patting Cannibal and Pikalus on the back* Good job gays

CannibalCrab: Uh, did you mean guy-

Cody: Did I stutter

Blooper: Hey Salami, want a cup of coffee?

Selena: Yeah! That's really nice of y-

Blooper: Great, get me one too

Selena: *Internal screaming*

Tanith: Cody, you're like an angel without wings

Cody: ... So like a person?

KrakenKid: Don't worry, I'm fine. I was just lightly stabbed

CannibalCrab: Whoa, what? You were stabbed?

KrakenKid: LIGHTLY stabbed. Sheesh, are you listening?

CannibalCrab: What does lightly stabbed even mean?

KrakenKid: It means it's going to take a while for me to bleed out

CannibalCrab: DUDE

KrakenKid: I didn't want to frighten you, okay!

Selena: Just so you know, if you go to prison, I'm not waiting for you!

KrakenKid: You won't have to, I'll escape! We both know this!

CannibalCrab: I need a place to sleep, can I crash at your place?

KrakenKid: Let me ask my mom

CannibalCrab: Isn't she dead?

KrakenKid: She said no

Tanith: So, are you a cuddler?

KrakenKid: I AM A MACHINE OF DEATH AND DESTRU- Wait, cuddling? Heck yeah, I love that!

Professor Pikalus: Cody? How did you find me? This is my secret base!

Cody: Oh it was easy. I just listened for the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that.

Aaaaaand that's what I got for memes.

Were they good memes?

Were they?

Anyways, as always, I do hope you enjoyed the memes. Be sure to comment what you thought, goodbye.


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