The One Thing They Agree On

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Third Person
The kraken snarled and thrusted his gun forward, eyes narrowing on his rival. "Not. One. Step." He warned the penguin, who shared the same rage to him. "Or I'll shoot."

Cody didn't give in, baring his own spear that sparked with power. He bared his teeth in response. "Same goes to you." He growled. "Don't pull anything, or you'll feel what it's like to have a spear in your stomach. I remember you didn't like a sword in there, I wonder if there's a difference?"

KrakenKid cocked his gun, making it hum to life and hovering over the trigger. "We both know I'm faster on the trigger and your powers aren't nearly as stronger as they could be."

Cody scoffed. "I stopped time, I'm sure I can do something just as powerful if I need to."

"Stopping time was an accident and we both know that." KrakenKid smirked and raised an eyebrow. "I'm calling your bluff."

Cody's brown eyes turned a dangerous blue. "You sure about that?"

The yellow eyes flicked a little bit but only filled with more rage. "Let's see if I am."

Both weapons raised but someone screeched before either could release their fire. "OH FOR PETE'S SAKE!"

The kraken and penguins head snapped in the direction of the voice to see a very exasperated pink-tailed mermaid. She gaped at both of them. "It's just cheesecake! Stop fighting!"

"It's CHERRY cheesecake!" Cody argued.

"The best kind of cheesecake- no... The best dessert there is!" KrakenKid added, nodding his head in Cody's direction. "You only have one cake and I sure ain't sharing!"

Selena huffed, rolling her eyes. "I have more in the fridge!" She threw her hands up.

The pair blinked and shared a look. "... How much more?" Cody asked, interest lacing his voice.

"I don't know, like 12?"

"We'll take them all." KrakenKid grinned.

Selena bit her lip. She was saving those for her sister and Endy but making more wouldn't be too hard. "Do you promise no more fighting for at least the next day or so?"

"It's a deal." They answered in unison. Selena shook her head and left to grab the cakes.

Moments after getting all at their table, KrakenKid and Cody feasted on them. Just watching them reminded Selena of wolves, making her snicker to herself. They were to engrossed in their eating to even hear her.

Then, she noticed something. "Are you two... Crying?"

"It's just so good!"


Selena took one look at them and let out a long breath. "At least you agree on something for once..."
Since I wasn't able to finish anything, I decided to do something with a similar purpose to when I did "Anticlimactic" short.

They both like Cherry Cheesecake so I figured I'd do something with it.

I hope you found this at least a little humorous! Be sure to comment what you thought about this and goodbye!


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