Personal Headcannons I Always Use

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Something I didn't realize I do is I have a bunch of personal headcannons I use frequently in books butttt I don't know if I've really explained why

So, here's a little chapter off of the ones I caught!

Darrel Was The First Tide Changer:
I honestly don't know if this one is true or not, but I like to think that Darrel was the first one to actually follow KrakenKid and the reason why is because KrakenKid really trusts Darrel, a lot more than 99% of the other Tide Changers. For example, in the murder mystery three part thingy, KrakenKid blatantly believes that Darrel had nothing to do with it and isn't surprised at all when he truly isn't. They just have this huge trust and I think it probably was built up over several years.

Blooper's Mom Is Human
I always portray Blooper's mother (Ena as I like to call her) as human. The reason why is when you compare Blooper to his father's looks, Blooper has a more rounded head and eyes, only four limbs much like a humans, and is just more humanoid than his father. I don't know if this one is correct, but hey! It's called a personal headcannon for a reason!

The Nexus Is Alive
I don't have a ton of reasoning behind this one other than the fact that a giant kraken thing comes out of it when someone specifically focuses on summoning it and stuff. Plus, I just really like it that way, you know?

KrakenKid Has Trust Issues
I mean, whenever he comes across someone new, 90% of the time he's hostile and even points his gun towards them. I get it with people like Cody or Pikalus, but given it happened with Selena too, kinda shows it goes beyond if someone looks dangerous.

And Finally,
Professor Pikalus Was Poseidon's Star Pupil
This one might actually be true or at least close to being true because if I remember correctly, Professor had a very close relationship with Poseidon and he sometimes gets defensive about it and reminded of it? Again, correct me if I'm wrong!

Those are the ones I remembered and I figured since I use them so much, I might as well just explain myself as best I can!

If there's any I missed that you want to know about, don't be afraid to tell me!

Anyways, I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment what you thought, and goodbye!


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