Cinnamon Roll Meme

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Have you ever seen the Cinnamon Roll meme? The one where they take characters from something and say something like
"Looks like Cinnamon Roll but can actually kill you"

Well, I'm going to do that for the Realm Of Atlantis. Let's do this!

(Before I go on, in case when I say someone is a Cinnamon Roll and you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm saying that they are essentially a character that is either innocent or just is sweet and needs to be protected from harm. It's hard to explain. Also, note when I call someone a dork, like I do several times, its a complement. Believe me, I love these characters. Moving on,)

Looks like a Cinnamon Roll and is a Cinnamon Roll: Cody and Selena
Reasoning: Let's be honest, no matter how powerful Cody becomes, he's always going to be that lovable dork we all know. From the beginning he's a Cinnamon Roll and still is one.
As for Selena, she's the same way. Outside of devious pranking, she's pretty innocent and probably needs a protection squad from bullies. Protect the Cinnamon Rolls.

Looks like a Cinnamon Roll but can actually kill you: Baby Blooper
Reason: Purely from "Bully Baby Blooper", it's pretty clear: Blooper can play cute to let down your guard then seconds later pull out a mini gun and mow you down while still smiling like he's frolicking through flowers and leave you to die then gets praised by his Dad and they go out to get ice cream but there's none left so Blooper kills the ice cream man and starts blowing up Atlantis just to get some chocolate ice cream and as soon as they give it to him, he plays innocent and goes home, skipping past the mayhem he's created.
Okay long analogy but you get the point.

Looks like they can kill you and can kill you: Sam
Reason: Sam's always seemed like the person who could murder you and make it look like an accident and though she's cool, if you mess with her friends, she will find you and end your life without a second thought. Am I right or no?
Moving on

Looks like they can kill you but is actually a Cinnamon Roll:
KrakenKid and CannibalCrab
Reason: In Atlantis Adventures, in the whole series, KrakenKid honestly was terrifyingly. He attacked the lab, won against the freaking Hulk, then raided the palace, escaped, did something with the Corruption Turbine and had this freaking legendary gun that could do insane damage to a ship and always got away. Later then kidnapped Ariel and soon, Cody, all the while leaving little creepy hints that he was there and never actually talking, just making growls or roars. KrakenKid was practically untouchable, not even Cody could stop him.
Then came Atlantis Endeavors and he actually spoke and it turns out, he's a huge dork. He has a kid and really cares about his Tide Changers, Fanboys over his favorite villain and is just an overall dork. It's the best thing ever. Need I say more?
And CannibalCrab? He was his top general who ate his own kind. That was chilling but then he's actually a sensitive guy who bought 300 phones and got addicted to Pokémon GO. Both of the scary villains turned out to be huge dorks. Ah, I love Atlantis.
Dang I wrote a lot on that one...

Finally: Looks like they could kill you but is too busy feeding you Cinnamon Rolls:
Professor Pikalus
Reason: Professor can turn into Hulk and kill everyone, but doesn't. Nah, he can be pretty chill most of the time. He'll take care of you, you know, give ya some Cinnamon Rolls and probably would make the coolest uncle ever.

So, how did I do? Accurate or no? Tell me how I did because I have no idea.  Byeeeee


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