What time is it? Itssss MEME TIME

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Who is ready for MEMES????

Selena: *On her birthday trying to have some cake*

Blooper: *Jumps out of cake* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Selena: You... You ruined my cake!

Blooper: WOW! We've known each other for SO LONG and now you don't want me jumping out of your cake? You insult me!

Tanith: *Sees KrakenKid at the shooting range with his special gun* I want one

Sam: The gun or KrakenKid?

Tanith: Yes

Darrel: Okay, how do we fix this problem?

KrakenKid: *Looks up suddenly*

Darrel: Without using a gun

KrakenKid: *Looks down*

Blooper: What about-

Darrel: Or taking a break or napping

Blooper: ...Fine but-

Darrel: Or explosives

Blooper: *Sighs in defeat*

CannibalCrab: *Raises hand*

Darrel: Accepting defeat is not an answer

CannibalCrab: *Slowly lowers hand*

Darrel: How did we last this long?

CannibalCrab: I hate you with every inch of my being

Professor Pikalus: That's not a lot of inches

CannibalCrab: AND CODY'S

Professor Pikalus: oH

Selena: So, what do you guys say when you answer the phone?

Professor Pikalus: What's up?

KrakenKid: Who's this?

Cody: No, I'm pretty sure he's dead. This is his son. No, she might be dead too. I'm her son too.

Blooper: Darrel, PLEASE take away your "No swearing rule"!

Darrel: Why?

KrakenKid: *Walking by and drops what he's holding* WELL THAT JUST DILLS MY PICKLE!

Blooper: *Hits Head against desk* That's why

CannibalCrab: *Pops by and hits leg against wall* WHOA MY KNICKERS ARE IN A KNOT

Blooper: ssssstoppppp

Selena: *Comes from Ceiling* Blooper, I know you stole my swords you egg sucking dwag

Blooper: PLEASE

Sam: *Appearing from behind* Sometimes you really get my goose


Cody: So, Professor, you can photoshop stuff really well, right?

Professor Pikalus: Yeah, why?

Cody: Great can you photoshop Poseidon-

Professor Pikalus: I'm not putting a tutu on him again

Cody: -being a loving father to me

*Awkward Silence*

Cody: Wait, AGAIN?

Selena: Imagine if you received a box filled with everything you've lost

Cody: Ah, my innocence! Haven't seen that in a while!

Joe: Wow, look at this! My sense of purpose!

KrakenKid: My childhood! I knew I lost this somewhere!

Blooper: Hey, it's my self worth! That's been gone for years!

CannibalCrab: There's my potential!

Professor Pikalus: Mental Stability, my old friend!

Sam: All hope for the future, what a throwback!


KrakenKid: Uhhh... Blooper? What are you drinking and why have you drank fifteen bottles of it?

Selena: *Picks one up* Some sort of energy drink with... Sixteen grams of sugar

KrakenKid: *Eyes widen* RUN! *Books it down the hall as Blooper starts shaking*

CannibalCrab: We should probably take his word on this one. *Grabs Selena and runs*

*Sounds of destruction in the background*


Selena: Hey Cody? You said you needed to speak with me?

Cody: Uh, yeah... You see, Sam and I-

Selena: Wait, did you finally get together?

Cody: Yes but uh-

Selena: It's fine, you can tell me! Not like you got her pregnant or anything.

Cody: ....uh

Selena: *Takes a deep breath*

Cody: You're gonna be a great Aunt-! *Gets decked in the face.*

Whoa they're so long this time!

Anyways, I hope you like this! I'm in the middle of Not My Dad right now and there's already some drama and it's gonna be great. Be sure to comment, and farewell!


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