Deck Of Cards- SS

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So you know how I have this thing going on in Sea Serpent where stuff relates to a deck of cards?

I figured I'd show who is what and my reasoning and rules and stuff!

And I might've sketched out my idea!

Warning: I did this from MEMORY so it's not gonna be great, plus it's just a sketch

Warning: I did this from MEMORY so it's not gonna be great, plus it's just a sketch

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Ta da!

Here's the run down with the symbols:
Hearts- Generally emotional people, loyal, probably naive
Diamonds- People who are resourceful, and use their intelligence to their own gain, somewhat cunning or tricky
Clubs- Straightforward and typically strong, prefer to hand things with their fists (fighting) maybe a bit short tempered
Spades- Generally negative, active and just people who have pent up hatred or rage that needs to be let out, realistic

So, the Kings are on the top!

Kings are generally just leaders in charge of a huge group, and people generally flock to their leadership.

These were obviously Cody and KrakenKid.

King of Hearts is Cody, being emotional and extremely attached to his city and people

King of Diamonds is KrakenKid, using his intellect to get what he needs and a huge survivor.

The King of Clubs is B-ERROR

The King of Spades is M-ERROR L-ERROR

Then we have the Queens, who are the higher ups and female!

Selena is the Queen of Diamonds, who is pretty tricky and smart

Tanith is the Queen of Hearts, being emotionally attached to people

And Sam, the Queen of Clubs, who will most certainly take you down if needed

Then there's the Jacks, who generally serve a King

The Jack of Diamonds is Blooper, Who is very tricky much like his father

Jack of Hearts is CannibalCrab, who would follow KrakenKid to the end

Jack of Clubs is Professor Pikalus, whose Hulk abilities and impatient personality make him so

And finally, the Aces, people who either are, or are connected to Ace.

Ace of Spades is Ace, who has some huge issues, more of which has not yet been revealed

Ace of Diamonds is (surprise) Diamond, who was very cunning

Ace of Clubs goes to Clubs (wow), who was very hands on

And finally, the Ace of Hearts is ERROR

But yeah! I did that thing!

I have a couple ideas for who some of the other roles are but that's a secret for now. Don't worry, all secrets will be revealed in eventually.

Anyways, I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment what you thought, and goooooodbye!


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