History Repeats Itself- Next Gen

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So I'm in love with the next generation babies and so I might've done a thing.

I thought to myself, "Wow, this could be so cute... LET'S MAKE FEELS!"

Jk what I actually thought was, "Leo and Orion both have a resemblance to Cody and KrakenKid (Though of course they're their own people you can tell that they're their kids), not to mention I added in that they're competitive with one another, so just how far does their relationship go?"

So I did a thing

Third Person
"Don't even say it." Orion's yellow eyes flashed as he stopped swimming for a moment to turn around and face Leo.

Leo sent a glare right back, brown eyes flashing blue for just a moment before turning back. "Say what?" He challenged. Leo tried to let things go when it came to Orion because he knew that if he didn't, they'd be caught in a standoff because Orion sure didn't let things go.

But right now? Feeling all the bruises start to act up as he too came to a stop and the blood drip from his cuts? He wasn't in the mood to let things go. "That you screwed up?"

Orion let out an almost growling noise. The tentacles on his lower kraken half curled up in rage. He too suffered injuries, having a cut across his cheek and his favor gray sweater was torn up in several spots to reveal injuries there too. "It's always my fault with you, isn't it? I can't do anything right with you and I'm sick of it!"

Leo marched forward until they were only mere inches away from each other and pointed accusingly. "You're the one who got into that fight! I just saved your butt before you got pummeled!"

"They called Jasper a freak!" Orion shot right back. "Nobody talks about my brother like that! Half or not, he's under my protection!"

"I get that! I really do!" Leo quickly butted in. "But physical violence was unnecessary, and you pulled your knife on them. Throwing a punch I could've lived with- supported even! They were total jerks, they deserved that!" The brown haired boy ran a hand through his hair, huffing. "But never draw your weapon. We were in the bad side of town, there were others to back him up, it just goes downhill from there."

Orion kept his narrowed gaze on Leo, never breaking it. There was a long silence until the hybrid just couldn't keep it in anymore. "And that's why you're King Daddy's favorite."

The prince bristled. "Dad's favorite? What's that supposed to mean? He doesn't have a favorite, he loves us all."

Orion let out a bitter laugh. "Loving all of his children and having a favorite are two different things, and you can certainly do both. Admit it, you're the prodigal son. All the fancy magic, all the power of being next in line, and most of all: You have his values. Dad sees himself in you, he loves you more because he trusts you more."

Orion scoffed a little and moved for home, but Leo couldn't help the festering anger within. Orion said everything like it was an insult, even if it had been said by anyone else it would've been praise. Orion was one of the few people who could get under his skin, and Leo just couldn't help it. He had to say it. He wanted to be careful, to drop it and just forget about all of it, to be the bigger man- but he just couldn't.

"Maybe... Or you're just jealous of me like you always have been."

The son of KrakenKid froze in his tracks before whipping around. Never had Leo seen so much rage in his eyes before. "What?" He spat.

"You heard me." Leo retorted. "You're jealous of me. Always have been."

"Oh really? And just what would I be 'Jealous' of?"

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