Atlantis- Genocide Theory- Full Description

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If you've read To See Through The Enemy's Eyes, you'd know I have this whole Genocide Theory on what happened with Atlantis and the krakens. If you haven't, you're about to find out what exactly the genocide theory is.

I really wanted to get all my thoughts on this theory down on something rather than throughout a whole book so I made this chapter.

So, Atlantis and the krakens are enemies. Not only is this hinted throughout the series, but KrakenKid's introduction video even mentioned that "I have made it my life goal to destroy Atlantis for what it has done to my kind." so early on it's shown that Atlantis did something to them. That they're the bad guys.

Now, something I've also noticed is that KrakenKid and Blooper, his son, are the only two krakens in the entire city. Weird right? How would a whole kind disappear? Why are they the only two left?

This could be a lot of things, but one in particular really jumps out at me: Genocide.

Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, often because they are associated with nation or ethnic group.

I believe that Atlantis, specifically Poseidon, committed and almost succeeded in genocide.
That might seem like a stretch, but let me explain it bit by bit.

Poseidon is the former king of Atlantis (Now dead), highly respected and once controlled the whole city. However, isn't it kinda weird that we haven't heard much about him? That he's too often seen for everything he did right, and that he's flawless? They're always something wrong with a person, and if Poseidon committed something like Genocide, it would be hidden altogether or masked to make it seem like a good thing.
Why am I telling you this? Just hold on for a moment while I set everything up and it'll all make sense.

Now, why would krakens need to be killed in the first place? Let's say that the species was widely seen as corrupt. Of course, some of them were good and that helped Atlantis, but if there was enough of a species or group doing terrible things, people would turn against all of them. So, maybe they thought that all krakens were bad and wanted to purge the city of all of them to avoid them. 

Now, here's where it comes together.

Poseidon was the king. All that stress of having to deal with krakens, keeping his people safe and trying to make people happy would eventually crash down on him at one point. So, when it did, he snapped. He proposed an idea to the council and managed to put it through. The people of the council would be scared and many would have families, of course they'd want to stop the menace. So, the genocide of krakens would start.

Why would the public be okay with this? Well, of course the krakens would fight back once it started to happen, so perhaps when they did, that made them look like the bad guys and maybe even fool people into thinking they started the fight in the first place. After all, rumors only grow, and everyone loves Poseidon so why would he be to blame? A whole war would start and it would end in Atlantis' favor. It could be possible the some krakens escaped through the portal but who would want to stay in Atlantis?

Only someone who couldn't leave. That's where KrakenKid comes in.

KrakenKid, I'd imagine would still be a kid, and not just like he is now but a CHILD. I'd imagine that his mother would want to protect him so maybe she hid him away (Maybe inside some certain tunnels in the outskirts of Sector Four ;) ) so he'd be safe. But, after the war ended, he'd be the last left.

If your whole species got killed or left until you were the last left, and even as a child you're hunted because if anyone found out a kraken lived they'd kill you, wouldn't you want to destroy where ever this place is? MOTIVES, BOOM!

KrakenKid really hates Atlantis, and hates the kings even more, especially Cody. Little reminder that Cody has been described by Rasmus "Like their father" while Joe was described, "Like their mother" so if it were Poseidon alone who did it all, someone who reminded him of someone who killed his entire species would be your worst enemy.

I got even more fuel from a recent video on the details of how they won the war! (SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT)  KrakenKid mentions that "The Titans, Joe and his family were the downfall of the krakens" which proves some of my theory! The royal blood had something to do with it! Not only this, but the krakens would have been a tough species to kill, given in mythology they are incredibly dangerous creatures, so Atlantis would have needed help. Who better than TITANS, huge giants with mystical powers and could easily help take down all the krakens?

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but it hasn't really mentioned why Cody and Joe, probably their mother as well because she's nowhere to be found, left their birthplace in the first place. (Again, if I'm wrong about this, just tell me!) So this makes me think of another thing: What if they left because of what their Dad did? Surely, if someone did something like kill a whole species, they wouldn't take it well, so they probably wanted to get away for a while.

Unfortunately, I don't have a solid theory on what happened to them that made them forget so I'll leave that out.

To sum it up: Long ago, Poseidon attempted to kill all the krakens and was close to succeeding and that's why KrakenKid really hates Atlantis.


I've been wanting to do this for a while and finally watching the most recent Atlantis video from KrakenKid got me the fuel I needed to make this!

So, yeah. Genocide. Not the prettiest theory, but war never is fun and games.

I hope you liked this theory and if I got you to support it, great! If not, aw well, I suppose there are other theories out there! Be sure to comment what you thought, if you have any additions or anything, or if I got anything wrong and farewell!


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