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Alright, important question regarding the next Sea Serpent Chapter "Dangerous Illusions"

Here's the deal:

I'm actually shocked at how long this chapter is getting.

I am at 6000 words, but I'm not done. I've JUST gotten into the middle-ish of it. I didn't think that the aftermath of the previous chapter COMBINED with what I already had planned would be such a HUGE chapter. Like, possibly might be bigger than Allies, big. Like, maybe the longest chapter I've ever written in my LIFE big

So, I need a little feedback. There are two options, so let me lay it out for y'all

OPTION A: Split the chapter into a part one and part two situation so that you guys don't have to read a monster of a chapter all in one, and it's easier on me. Butttt that also means I'll probably leave it on a cliffhanger-scratch that, I defiantly will- and I'll have to split up a chapter which I previous was not prepared to do.


OPTION B: Keep the chapter together, making it really long so no cliffhangers for you guys and I don't have to split up a chapter which isn't something I particularly want, butttt you guys will probably read the longest chapter ever, so much that it's practically it's own book, not really I'm just being dramatic, plus I'll either have to put it off until tomorrow to finish, which I HATE to do, orrrrrr try and finish it all tonight and utterly die inside but hey! At least its allll done.

Me being me, I couldn't decide so, mind lending a hand? Just vote for one and I'll go for which ever one gets the most.

I'm putting whatever I'm doing for the rest of today, in your hands.

Choose wisely, young padawans


That's basically it

Please comment a vote, and that course of action will be taken.

...That's it. I got nothing else. What else did you want, a joke?

...Alright fine, *Deep breath*

So a horse walks into a bar and the bartenders asks, "Why the long face?"

The horse cannot understand what he says because he's a horse, nor can he reply back because he's a horse. He runs out of the bar, confused by his strange laughter noises, and knocks over a few tables

Ta da


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