Top 3 Favorite Characters- Atlantis

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Yeahhhhh I couldn't resist... I have been thinking a lot on who my favorites in Atlantis are and why and then I really just want to write this!

Out of all the characters of Atlantis, there are three I tend to favor over the rest. I don't have a least favorite at all, so I'm just going to do top three! Enjoy!

Counting down from 3!

3) CannibalCrab

I have a couple reasons for this! I think he's pretty funny and is quite the character! Though, my main reason is this: He's strangely relatable!

His character is a villain who is the general of an army and right hand man to another villain, as well as eats his own kind and a little bit crazy, but holy crap, I swear I keep saying "Same" when he does stuff. He bought 300 phones, gets addicted to games easily, can't be in the lab because he constantly is touching and/or drinking stuff and just is that one best friend who supports you while also making tons of mistakes themselves. And honestly, same. It's amazing! I mean, if I had the money, I'd probably end up buying 300 phones. He's just a unique and freaking awesome character.

Plus, in my opinion, he has the best laugh. Like it can be both the perfect evil laugh or just good natured! Bless this man.

On to number two!

2) Cody

I have this thing where I'm terrible with names when I first hear them, whether it be people in real life, or on screen, I just can't do it! The first video I saw from AtlanticCraft was like an escape from FNAF video, back when I was really into that and I couldn't remember Cody's or Joe's name, so I just referred to them as "The Jokester Chicken" and "The Sensible Penguin" and at the time, I decided, "You know what? I think I like this Sensible Penguin..." and a while later when I got into their channel, I kept being like, "Yes. Yes, I like this penguin. He's my favorite." Unfortunately he got beaten by one person but I'll address that in the next on, but still! For the longest time, Cody was my favorite, and still hold a special place in my heart.

Cody has this sense of humor that I just really loved. He's a jokester all right, but he often does it with a layer of sass and logic with it, and I don't even know how to explain it right now. He's random and though he might be an adult, he's still a child inside. Plus, he really knows what he's doing with YouTube. It's hard to explain, but everyone else is still learning things but Cody already knows what he's doing, which makes sense because he's been doing it for Four or so years. Cody's good with people and just has this mind that's always going everywhere at once, which does mean he can loose his emotions from time to time. Cody loves his team, you can tell and mercy on anyone who messes with his team because Cody will find you, and they'll never find the body. He's a amazing person and there's no wonder for me why he was my favorite for so long.

Of course, saying that, someone did beat him to the punch when it came to first place. Now who could possibly beat Cody... Well, this might not come as a surprise, but here's number one.

1) KrakenKid

Yeeeeeep. The leader of the Tide Changers himself managed to slip into first place, long before I even realized it!
There's a lot of things I could say on what exactly made me start to like him, but there's one that started it all.

This is going to sound really weird when I say it, but as soon as he came in the first video, the one thing that I just reallllyyyy liked was: His voice. I don't know why, but I have this thing where I like selective people's voices. The only other people on that list is Morgan Freeman, a guy in my class, Bill Cipher and this one small time YouTuber named Waglington. When someone makes that list, it means they could read numbers out of a PHONE BOOK and I'd still find it interesting. Weird, I know but I just really liked hearing KrakenKid talk throughout the whole episode he was in and I just wanted to keep listening to him talk, so imagine my joy when I find he has a whole channel full of videos. I just really liked his voice, and still do! Not to mention, I really like villains!

Of course, there was a lot more than just his voice that I liked, but rather that he has this unique personality I had really never even fathomed a person could have! He's this dork who's a villain, loves other villains, has a son AND A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH HIS SON (Thank you! For once!), is a "Good" Villain (Meaning he actually cares about his team) and just raves about fishing. To this day, he holds the record as my favorite and I doubt that will change. Plus, like I said in an earlier chapter, he's either really chill, or has none of it at all. It's really hard to explain him fully but I just love his personality! He's a great guy and compliments the other characters really well! I highly doubt anyone's going to take his place.


And that is that! I have been really wanting to do that for a LONGGGGG time and I just finally did it! I do have to ask, what is your guy's favorites? You could do top three or just state number one, your choice but I'm interesting in knowing!

I hope you liked it! Be sure to comment your favorites and/or comments and farewell!


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