HOLY sneakpeek BATMAN!

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Okay, I didn't finish anything again because once again, I can't seem to stick to a single chapter of anything buttt I think I know what I'm going to finish next!

So good old Wolfy (Wolf-Wisdom ) gave me some ideas for a very certain crossover that I'm writing!

However, I don't wanna give away toooooo much sooooo QUOTES SNEAK PEEK!

It's not totally done yet, but here are some interesting ones.

"A portal into another dimension, completely different from our own... You went above and beyond, huh Professor?"


"Oh hello! ...Are you the Tooth Fairy? You know, I never knew if that was real or not."

"Oh! Do you need help up? I get that, we all do sometimes. Here, let me help!"

"So you felt it too?"

"I thought you might... It's powerful, but what it is perplexes me. It's certainly not from anything they could produce, so what happened? And more importantly, who is responsible?"

"We should investigate. Power like that, will prove most... Useful, to us."

And that's enough crypt lines! Hopefully it'll come out tomorrow!

I'll even give you the title:
Conniving Confident- Rule One

Anyways, I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment what you think, predictions and all that, and goodbye!


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