And Now Presenting... A MEME!

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I got so many memes
Feast on the memes

KrakenKid: You're like a son to me

Blooper: I am your son... Are you okay?

KrakenKid: 100% fine

Blooper: Not sure I believe you...

Blooper: The world is a lie and everything is falling apart before my eyes... Do I even exist? Am I just some simulation?

KrakenKid: Annnnnd that's enough late night conspiracy theories for... Well, for forever. Go to bed

KrakenKid: Cody, you're like the clouds

Cody: ...Explain?

KrakenKid: When you go away, the day gets better

Cody: Wow... I think I just got burned

Tanith: Cody took a heavy hit to the head but he should live

KrakenKid: Any permanent damage?

Cody: KrakenKid, you're my hero~

KrakenKid: ...So that's a yes

Blooper: Hey Salami, want some ice cream?

Selena: No thanks, I'm lactose intolerant

Blooper: *Eating ice cream straight from tub* Huh, me too actually

Selena: ...Uh, Blooper-

Blooper: *Starts having allergic reaction* Its really good, okay

Darrel: You have to understand that you father had a terrible childhood

Blooper: Well I'm gonna a terrible childhood right now if hE DOESN'T BACK HERE! HEY! STOP DYING!

Cody: I'm Cody with a B and I've been afraid of insects my whole life

Professor Pikalus: Whoa there. I'm gonna stop you right there. Where?

Cody: Huh?

Professor Pikalus: Where's the B?


KrakenKid: Okay, I need you to be totally straight with m-

CannibalCrab: *Nervous laughter*

KrakenKid: ...Can you stop being gay for like five seconds?

I think we all know how Torn is going to end:

Tanith: *Sits Cody and KrakenKid down in a room*

KrakenKid: Uh, what are you doing?

Tanith: I am going to fix this rift between you two. I know how it started, but the past is the past and both of you are my friends and for us to actually survive this, we need to work together. So, we're gonna sit here until it's fixed.

Cody: What makes you think this will work?

Tanith: *Brings out a cake box* Because I have a entire cherry cheesecake and I'm going to eat it in front of you until you work it out
(Not Really Cannon but shhhhh)

Darrel: *In an argument* I am not a father! I never even had children!

KrakenKid: *Passing by* Sup Dad

Darrel: Oh, hey Kraken

CannibalCrab: *Pops head in door* Dad, is it okay if I go out tonight?

Darrel: Yes but be home by 10 PM, okay? You need your sleep.

Darrel: ....*Realizes what he's doing* Okay, listen

Cody: So, why is your name KrakenKid?

KrakenKid: I always get a child ticket for everything and life is so much cheaper

Cody: Holy- You're a GENIUS

KrakenKid: I KNOW RIGHT?

CannibalCrab: Fine, I'm not going to fight them

KrakenKid: Okay good, now-

CannibalCrab: Except that I TOTALLY AM

Cody: Come on Pikalus! It'll be so useful!

Professor Pikalus: For the last time, I'm not giving your spear light saber sound effects

Cody: *Playing guitar*

Selena: Do you take requests?

Cody: Sure, what-

Selena: Please stop

CannibalCrab: They say every one in five people is gay, so that must mean that one of us is gay

CannibalCrab: I hope it's Kraken, he's cute

So many memes, so little time...

Anyways, I hope you liked your dose of memes! Be sure to comment what you thought of them and gooooodbye!


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