Pokemon Crossover- Atlantis

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Before I start this, I just want to say this is my 41 entry of this book.

I now have 41 parts of this book.

What the crap? Why do I have so many?
I swear half of this is just memes...

Anyways, back on track! Pokemon! The wonderful game of my childhood! While doing stuff, I started to think about what each person from the Realm of Atlantis' Pokemon would be and this chapter just sorta happened!

I'm hoping to do everyone, doing Three Pokemon each from any generation. One starter, one other and one legendary!

Let's get started!

Starter- Either Piplup or Popplio
Piplup is a penguin, so I just kinda got drawn to it but Popplio is a cute seat one that kinda looks playful. I can honestly see Cody having it as a partner.

Other- Kingdra
Kingdra is another water type and looks a lot like an awesome sea horse. I could see him having it, plus it's pretty strong as well!

Legendary- Lugia or Manaphy
Why did all of these turn out to be water type? I guess Cody gives off that kind of vibe...
Anyways, Lugia not only looks awesome, but is super powerful and considered one of the main sea based ones. As for Manaphy, this Pokemon is considered Prince of the sea. Any guess to why I picked it for Cody?


Starter- Charmander
He definitely gives off a Charmander kinda vibe for me. Charmander turns into a dragon like Pokemon and is fire type, both which are fitting!

Other- Inkay
Inkay is a cute squid like Pokemon, one that would probably catch KrakenKid's eye if he saw it. Plus, when it evolves, it turns into this huge one that is a lot more powerful! AND, it's psychic and dark type, which also seems fitting.

Legendary- Mewtwo

Mewtwo is purple and strangely seems fitting. Not really sure why.

Sneaky Selena:

Starter- Oshawatt
Water also seems fitting for Selena, plus have you seen Oshawatt? It's adorable and turns into something powerful! Perfect partner!

Other- Jigglypuff or Chansey
Jiggypuff is pink fluff ball that sings beautifully. What's not to love? Plus, Chansey is also pink and is a nurse/healing Pokemon! I think it'd work, given Selena has mentioned many times about wanting to be a doctor.

Legendary- Mew
It's cute, pink, cuddly and is possibly the strongest of them all, so I think it fits!

Sneaky Sam:

Starters- Snivy
I'm not sure if it just fits or if it's the sass this starter gives off, but Snivy is the one I choose for her so, I'd say it works.

Other- Meowstic (Female Version)
Once again, the SASS. Plus, the female version is mostly offensive than defensive, which kinda goes with her.

Legendary- Shaymin Skyform
Yes. This one.

Professor Pikalus:

Starter- Chimchar
Chimchar is a chimp Pokemon that is not only cute when small, but turns into a pretty strong starter, being fire and fighting type. I like it and think it goes well with him.

Other- Alakazam or Slaking
Alakazam is this really smart psychic Pokemon while Slaking is normally pretty chill but CRAP IS IT STRONG. Not really sure which fits more

Legendary- Genesect
This one, if I remember correctly, made in a lab and is really strong and futuristic. I think Professor would like this one.


Starter- Bulbasaur
Not only did he take a liking to this Pokemon, but I think grass type is a pretty good fit.

Other- Snorlax
Though lazy and mainly sleeps, it's pretty dang powerful! I could see CannibalCrab with this one!

Legendary- Victini
Not sure if it was the orange or just the general Pokemon that lead me to this, but I kinda like this Pokemon with Cannibal... Not sure why. Plus, it's the Victory Pokemon, and given Cannibal is a general, he'd want to keep this one around.

Baby Blooper:

Starter- Torchic
Fire just fits Blooper, as does this Pokemon! Cute, BUT TURNS DEADLY

Other- Haunter
This Pokemon is kind of a trickster and given that's what Blooper is, it would totally work! Plus, it is Ghost type.

Legendary- The Lake Trio (Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie)
Whether it be the fact that they are three Pokemon that seem to be everywhere at once and connected, or something else, something just draws me to these three with Blooper for some reason...


Starter- Froggit
Froggit is not only water (Fitting) but just kinda fits in general!

Other- Delibird
It kinda looks like a chicken... And it's pretty cute. Just look it up and stare that the beauty.

Legendary- Celebi
Why is picturing him with Celebi such a cute thought? I don't know why, but I seriously couldn't do anyone else but Celebi...

And Finally,
Tanith: (Yeah, I figured I might as well)

Starter- Litten
Not sure why Litten works so well, but I could see Tanith with a cat so Litten it is!

Other- Gardevoir or Arbok
Gardevoir is for a lot of reasons: They are psychic Pokemon for one, extremely protective for another and once they bond with a trainer, they would literary rip space itself to keep them alive, even going as far as saying that they would create a black hole just to protect them.
And Arbok because... Snake.

Legendary- Jirachi or Darkrai
Jirachi is a cute and cheerful little wish Pokemon that really fits Tanith, given it has lived for hundreds of years, thousands even. Darkrai has to do with nightmares and is a pretty misunderstood Pokemon. I think it would work pretty well with her, given her history of dreams, problems, history with dreams and problems, and her natural magnet to misunderstood people, added in with the stubbornness to make them her friend..


And that's that! I just kinda thought this up and wanted to do it!

Sea Serpent should be updated soon, the chapter is just taking a while!

I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment and goodbye!


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