P.I. Part 2- His Request

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Okay, y'all wanted an ending to Poseidon's Influence so here it is!

Also, slight Trigger Warnings! Not major but something triggering to some people is implied at the end and I'd rather not make anyone uncomfortable or panicked!

Third Person
Selena wasn't sure if she should move or not.

All of the people in front of her would tear Poseidon apart the second she moved, but at the same time, who was she to deny them revenge or closure? Who was she to stand in the way?

For a second, KrakenKid moved forward, making her stiffen and her heart race, but a voice made all of their hearts stop.

"I assume you are here to kill me?"

KrakenKid's face was frozen with fear but he shoved it away and replaced it with confidence. "Yes we are! We're going to make you pay for what you did to us! To all of us!" KrakenKid screamed, his voice and body shaking with pure rage. "Do you know what you did? DO YOU EVEN-"

"Snapdragon." That's all it took for KrakenKid's face to go pale and for him to abruptly stop.

Rasmus and Cerebia looked to each other, having a silent conversation. Professor Pikalus and Cody were trying to lean over to see his face and read him, and Selena pondered to herself. Snapdragon? Wasn't that a flower?

However, when she looked at KrakenKid and saw the look in his eyes, something told her it meant more to him than just a flower.

"...How do you know that name?" KrakenKid's voice was deadly silent, yet everyone in the room could hear it. Never had any of them heard KrakenKid sound so vulnerable in their lives.

Poseidon didn't answer, and KrakenKid bared his teeth, eyes flashing. He whipped out his gun and pointed straight for the old king's head but Selena acted faster. She quickly rushed and hit the gun's barrel up right as he shot, redirecting it upwards. It went through a hole in the ceiling before disappearing. KrakenKid's yellow eyes were now blind with rage as he stared at Poseidon. "I SAID, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?" He screeched and tried to lunge forward but Selena held him back as best she could, wrapping her arms around him.

KrakenKid thrashed violently against her grip on him, making Selena wonder how long she could hold on. Lucky for her, Poseidon chose to explain himself.

"I know the name of everyone who died in that war, especially your people. Oak, Keystone," He paused and glanced at Cerebia. "Mark." Cerebia reacted but tried to keep her composure. The old king's eyes trained back to KrakenKid's yellow ones. "And Snapdragon. She's something to you, isn't she? I didn't know her much, but I can see her in your eyes."

Selena spared a glance at the kraken and nearly let go in surprise at the heavy tears flowing down his face. "You killed her..." He whispered. "You killed my Mother."

"I know." Poseidon said softly. "And there isn't a day where I regret it."

KrakenKid choked on a sob and his many legs gave out, causing him to sink to the floor. Selena felt the fire drain out of him, and let go. He wouldn't be fighting anytime soon.

Poseidon's eyes turned to Rasmus and Cerebia. His eyes filled to the brim with pain and regret. "I was so afraid of my city burning that I didn't realize what I was doing to you two, and I'm sorry for that."

Then, he focused on Professor Pikalus, who froze under his gaze. "And Niall, my greatest pupil. How much you've grown?" He smiled.

Finally, Cody and Joe looked their father in the eyes. "I was never there for you, and for that, I'm sorry. I'll never be able to take it back and I wish I could."

Cody and Joe exchanged glances, unsure about the previous plan.

Poseidon turned around, facing the stained window again and gazed up at it. It was only then that everyone realized the stain window had Atlantis on it.

"I see it all the time." Poseidon told them. "Everything I've done, the damage, the bloodshed, the aftermath, all of it. Every day, every hour, every minute and every second, it goes through my head."

When nobody commented, he went on. "I try to change it, I try to stop the war, save the people, even mend relationships, but I always fail. Something goes wrong and I never get my happy ending. I'll never get my happy ending."

"So you just dwell in the past forever?" Cody challenged. "Weep over your mistakes instead of fixing them? What kind of king are you?"

"A bad excuse of one." Poseidon answered, catching the penguin off guard. "It's best that I don't interfere. Everything I seem to touch, breaks." Poseidon held out his hand in front of him. A powerful spark came from it before he tightened it back into a fist. "You'll be better off without me."

A long silence passed through the group. "You can kill me if you want, I won't stop you." He told them. "You can make it slow and painful or quick, I won't resist either way. I've lived too long for what I've done."

But no one could seem to move to attack. Instead, one by one, they glanced at the door. Joe finally spoke up. "You know they'll come for you. The Guardians, remaining krakens and everyone you've made enemies with, they'll try to kill you. If we found you, they will too."

"I know they will." Poseidon sighed, shaking his head. "I stopped trying to run."

They were all silent before Rasmus and Cerebia both left the room without another word. They heard enough, they didn't need anything more from him. Professor huffed and strolled to KrakenKid's side. "Come on," He nudged him gently. "We're leaving."

"Just like that?" KrakenKid growled. "After everything he's done, we're just walking away like that? After all the effort we've put in to finding him, we're walking away?"

Professor Pikalus paused before putting a hand on his shoulder. "You want revenge, I know, but sometimes you just need to let things go. This isn't the same man who tried to commit genocide."

KrakenKid didn't move for a moment, but eventually held his arms up. Professor helped him up slowly and allowed him to lean on him as they walked to the doorway. "I wish he was." KrakenKid whispered.

Cody and Joe stared at their father, until they too turned to follow them. Selena started to do the same.

"Selena." She jumped and whipped around. How did he know her name? KrakenKid, Professor, Cody and Joe all stopped as well, waiting for her.

Selena gulped. "Y-yes?"

Poseidon didn't look back. "Would you be so kind as to lend me your sword?"

His words cut deeper than any blade could and stuck in her heart. Selena didn't want to, but she carefully placed it on the ground behind him, making a small clattering sound as she put it down. "Thank you." The old king told her, glancing back and looking her in the eyes.

Selena nodded and slowly began to walk away.

"You were my greatest creations." Poseidon said out loud. They all stopped again and looked back.

Cody glanced at the paned window of Atlantis and scoffed. "It's the one thing you didn't ruin." He agreed.

"I wasn't talking about Atlantis."

Though they paused, the brothers didn't say another word as they left the room, leaving Poseidon alone once again.

As she left, Selena heard the blade being picked up from off the ground.

Since the previous quotes were from Red Vs Blue, I decided on giving it a similar ending. How'd I do?

I'm not sure if y'all understood the ending, I wanted it to be subtle but not completely impossible to figure out and I'm not sure how I did.

I finally gave KrakenKid's mother a name: Snapdragon. It's based on my personal headcannon that Krakens name their kin in literal sense. I gave her the name of a flower because I portrayed her a gentle and sweet, plus, not only is a snapdragon orange, like how I imagine her eyes to be, but it symbolizes strength and dangerous traits.

I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment what you thought and goooooooodbye!


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