Forgotten Sins Sneakpeek

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So I might've procrastinated so much that nothing got done sooooo here's a sneak peek into "Forgotten Sins", Chapter 77 of Sea Serpent!

Third Person


"Huh? Tanith? What are you doing here?"

"I had some questions and I was hoping you could answer them. Are you busy?"

"Not particularly. What do you need to know?"

"It's about the Nexus. I've been wondering about it, specifically, the nature of it. It's very strange magic and I've never seen anything like it."

"And chances are, you never will find anything like it. Poseidon made it himself, or at least that's what rumors say, no one is certain. It was a really long time ago after all! The Nexus was the foundation of Atlantis as we know it, everything here exists like it does because of it. I've always theorized if someone else made the Nexus because Poseidon used it as a way to boost his powers to fight, but it's hard to say. It's always been so destructive and powerful, and some say when Poseidon got too close to it, he changed, but then..."


"Some people think it's alive, some say it changed after the war with the krakens, changing in nature and overall becoming more... Life like. We tried to test that theory, but its power levels always disable all the machinery when we do and we don't have any other way of telling. I think it might be alive because of the way it reacts to things, and how it feels like it's always watching you when you're near it, and staring into your soul... Creepy, but it's powerful enough to the point where I don't care."

"Hmm... Anything else noteworthy?"

"Off the top of my head, there is one thing... It's always had a connection with the royal family and... It sometimes does favors to people without anyone telling it to."

"Favors? Could you explain more?"

"It briefly grants you its power, but only when you've somehow aided it, very much an eye for an eye situation. It happened to Selena actually! She saved Cody's life and then a week later, some thugs in the poor district tried to mug her and she was able to shock them with Nexus energy. Immediately after, all of that power faded. Gone without much of a trace."

"I see... Thank you, Professor. That was very informative."

Before you say anything, this scene specifically has only dialogue because it's a memory, taking place after Torn.

Why would I immediately put a memory in the beginning of a chapter? Let's just say it's pretty important. You'll see why.

Anyways, I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment what you think and what you theorize if you feel inclined to do so, and see ya!


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