Sneakpeek Because NOTHING IS DONE

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Alright guys, lemme tell you a story

About this gal who was like, "What story should I update next?" Then wrote a bunch of crap of a couple different stories so literally nothing is done. I have some of Sea Serpent, Culpability, Hunters, Sea Of Feels (Two different chapters actually) AND What We Lost and NOTHING GOT DONE. I DON'T EVEN HAVE ENOUGH MEMES

Soooooo, since Sea Serpent was the farthest and I had an interesting idea for a sneakpeek, GUESS WHICH ONE GETS THE SNEAK PEEK?

So this is Chapter 79- Second Chances of Sea Serpent where a lot of stuff goes down but he's the beginning!

Third Person

Cody stared into the hot chocolate for a long time. It had gone undrinken for the past twenty minutes that he had it, and the longer he spoke, the more he didn't even want it. His stomach felt sick and if he drank anything as sweet as it, he wasn't sure how well it would receive it.

He was currently inside Tanith's home with his other four Atlantean friends seated all around him in a half circle, each with their own drink. While all surprised of everything he told them, Selena took it the most due to just being caught up on everything that had happened. Getting all that information at once wasn't exactly ideal for anyone, and poor Selena had to deal with it as calmly as possible.

It took a moment, but Sam broke the silence. "So, you have to kill him, huh?" Cody barely managed a nod. "What's the big deal? Wasn't that the plan in the first place?"

"I don't like to kill if I can avoid it, Sam." Cody sighed, lightly causing the drink to swirl for his own amusement, though it didn't help lighten the situation at all. "Besides, you weren't there when we were alone. It was just me, him and KrakenKid and... He's different. He acts different now. It's like ever since he became "Human" he acts more like one and I don't-..."

Cody sighed, finally giving up on his hot chocolate and placing it on the table and put his head in his hands. "I didn't understand before but he blames me for what happened to him and rightfully so. I did this to him, Sam. What- how am I supposed to fix this? The Nexus told me that she can't just take him back how he is, which was my plan and-"

"That reminds me," Pikalus interrupted, lightly sipping from his choice beverage of light coffee. "The Nexus can speak to you? When we did that whole, "Power Circle" thing, that allowed you to speak to the Nexus? And what exactly is 'She' like?"

Cody rubbed the back of his neck while trying to think. "Uh... Yes, we used the power circle so I could activate the spirit thing- Astral Projection?" He aimed the question at Tanith, who gave a little nod and thumbs up. "That thing, because she only seem to answer through that and last time I did that, it was through a lot of energy. She's... I don't know, nice I guess? She seems to like me. I don't really know much, it's not like I can just pop by everyday to play a "Get To Know You" game."

Pikalus nodded, dipping his finger in his coffee and making it swirl around. How he could withstand the heat was beyond Cody's knowledge, but he didn't so much as flinch. Cody just sighed, leaning his head back so he could stare at the ceiling. What am I going to do? He kept asking himself, but no answer would come to him.

Tanith wasn't sure what to say to Cody, so she decided maybe he needed time to think this out himself. She personally still had resentment for Ace, and doubted she would hesitate much if she needed to kill him. Guilt would still be there, but just like Anonymous, she could deal with it. Her mind drifted back to what Cody said about the Nexus. It truly was a mystery to her, and so badly she wanted to unlock all of its mysteries of it's magic- or should she say, of her magic. The Nexus is alive!

Selena's eyes remained wide though she tried to hide them by chugging her tea. Tea was supposed to be a calming factor, but it wasn't doing much after everything she was just told. Ace is the Nexus, Cody can speak to the Nexus, Tanith is supposed make sure Cody doesn't die at the risk of her own life, the Nexus is alive and apparently a girl, and Cody now has to kill Ace, or at least have some way to kill him. Will I have to kill him? Blooper? Sam? Are we just gonna drop a building on him and hope he dies? WHAT IS GOING ON? Selena nearly choked on her tea as she started mentally screaming.

Sam noted her sister's actions and had to hold back a laugh. For some reason, while some people might stress eat, Selena would stress drink, and she was doing it right now. She was so close to breaking when Selena sputtered from some kind of mix between chugging too much tea and probably some kind of mental debate in her head. The laughter didn't last for long however, as she turned her sights on Cody. He always did put the world on his shoulders, and it wasn't fair. He keeps saying that he has to kill Ace, when any of us could. He just wants to shield us from it, make us think that he's the only option... Typical penguin. Sam huffed internally. I'll have to take him out later and talk to him.

Professor Pikalus gripped his mug with so much anger that it was a shock no cracks had appeared yet. He tried to swallow down his anger with his coffee but it didn't help one bit. He didn't care what happened to Ace to make him do this, he had screwed with him. With all of them. He caused damage and pain, and Pikalus wasn't going to standby as he only caused more. Cody didn't want to kill him. That was just like him too- all Atlantean life mattered, no matter how small. If he somewhat saw KrakenKid and his Tide Changers as Atlanteans, no doubt Ace was the same. So, as Cody's best friend, something he didn't truly earn until tragedy struck, he knew what he had to do.

Pikalus needed to kill Ace so Cody didn't have to.


Yayyyyyy that's just the first part of that chapter, WHAT FUN!

Cody is having a crisis, Tanith is kinda excited about learning more about the Nexus, Selena is stressed, Sam is ready to support, and Pikalus is about to kill a man. AND THAT'S JUST THE START OH BOYYYYY

Anyways, I hope you like this! Be sure to comment what you thought and such, and I will see y'all later! Buh bye!


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