Conniving Confidant- Rule One

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Okay, so this was an idea suggested by @Wolf-Wisdom and I had a lot of fun writing it! 

Wolfy pointed out that Sigma from Red Vs Blue and Ace are similar in quite a few ways (Some of which you guys have yet to find out) that if they ever met, they would be unstoppable if they met up, and it got me thinking, "What would happen if they met up?"

It ended up being a whole crossover, and I know a lot of you haven't seen Red Vs Blue but I tried to make it as least confusing as possible!

Anyways, ONWARD!

Third Person

If one were to go through a portal to another dimension, one must know there are rules when doing so. Three to be exact.

Upon going through the portal and coming out safely through the other side, your mind will need a moment to adjust, as will your body. It is perfectly normal, and expected, to be dazzled and confused. After all, switching dimensions is no easy feat.

Ace was the first to experience this rule in person.

Stealth was normally Ace's specialty. He learned quickly how to move in the shadows without anyone taking notice, how to blend in with a crowd, how to mimic people, and most importantly, how to hide that he was possessing someone.

Ace found out pretty quickly that though he could possess anyone he pleased, with few exceptions, there were restrictions. One was being that his eyes always changed color, and glowed. Anyone who knew what they were looking for could catch him in a split second, so moving without exposing his eyes was something he had gotten good at.

Ace broke into the lab by possessing one of the scientists and bypassing security with ease before exploring. Word got around that Professor Pikalus was planning something big, a huge project unlike any other, and how could anyone resist taking a peek? Especially if you could.

Fortunately for him, both Professor and Susan were out of "Sector Zero" so he called it, so slipping inside wasn't a problem. He managed to get the password and drop down into the secret lab, taking a couple steps out before stopping in his tracks at the contraption before him.

Machinery was all over, but there was a circular hole purposely left out in the middle of it. Tubes filled with unknown but glowing liquid connected to it, and a computer set up to the left of it was spitting out data that Ace could barely read.

He paused for a long time before hesitantly making his way over to the computer and started to read it the best he could.

It took him about ten minutes, but he nearly gasped when he realized what exactly it was. The world around him didn't seem to matter, because all that did was standing right in front of him. A gold mine, something he could never even hope to create.

"A portal to another dimension, completely different from our own..." Ace whispered in awe, starting to lightly work with the computer, half scared to even do so in fear of breaking such a thing. "You went above and beyond, huh Professor?"

Ace was captivated by it for a couple more seconds before the machine made a small beeping noise and his eyes were drawn to the data. The words "DIMENSION DRIVER: ONLINE" caught his eyes and he grinned. It was ready.

As Ace began to fire it up, he dismissed everything else in the world, deeming that it didn't matter more than what was in front of him. However, he was dead wrong, as he should have paid attention to the five distinct voices coming ever so closer to his location.

He didn't hear them as the trap doors opened and let them all down, though he would have, if not all of his focus was on making it work. The voices in the background stopped abruptly right as the machine loudly hummed to life and began to spark. Ace took a step back, watching as before his eyes a egg shaped rip in space began to form and take over, filling with what looked like the galaxy itself before finally settling down, the sparks fading but the portal remained, still swirling with the very galaxy itself.

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