AU Where Everything Is The Same Except...

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Okay, I've seen somethings where people take an alternate universe where it's the exact same EXCEPT one thing that wouldn't change the story too much, or wouldn't at all. I thought of one for Atlantis and I personally thought it was really funny so I want to share it.

AU where everything is the same except KrakenKid is short. Like two feet shorter than Cody.

Why is this funny? Think of the following scenarios:

Cody constantly calling KrakenKid, "Kiddo", "Junior" and/or "Short stuff" and KrakenKid retaliating with "Tree", "Giant" and "Old man"

Cody introducing him as a gremlin and KrakenKid tries to strangle him every time he does. Cody doesn't do a very good job defending himself because he's laughing too hard.

Cody using KrakenKid as an arm rest, getting punched in the gut for it but thinks it's 100% worth it.

"How's the weather down there?"

"I will stab you."

"Good thing I have knee pads with me."

And finally,

Professor: *Minority curses*

Cody: *Gasps and covers KrakenKid's ears* NOT IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN!


Just, short KrakenKid man.

And that's what I came up with! Not sure why but it happened!

I didn't finish my next update to I figured I'd give this as compensation or something.

I hope you guys liked this! Be sure to comment what you thought, and goodbye!


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