Ship Imagines Part 3- Takin' Ya To Fluffy Town

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It's been a while since I've done this, but it's time for some Fluff!

Who Is More Affectionate?

Cody is literally the most cuddly person you will ever meet, and Sam has found this out on numerous occasions. Think about it, he's a PENGUIN. Penguins cuddle for warmth all the time, and you can't tell me that when he's even slightly cold, Cody won't instantly snuggle up to her for warmth.

Most Common Argument?

KrakenKid and Cody don't have a common argument, they actually don't revisit an argument too often. However, they do fight about literally anything you can think about. It's harmless, but its quite funny to hear an argument over whose sandwich is better or how many jellybeans are in the jar.

Who Apologizes First?

Joe always apologizes to KrakenKid first. He knows that Kraken will hold onto the grudge until the end of time, and he hates seeing him cry so he always has to be the first to give in. Plus, he knows as soon as he does, KrakenKid will immediately give in and the whole issue will be solved.

Favorite Activity To Do Together?

Since there's a very long list of things Tanith hasn't tried, KrakenKid normally takes her out to do said things. Sometimes its actual activities like a roller coaster (Both were utterly terrified due to KrakenKid's fear of heights and Tanith's distaste for vehicles), or a movie (Almost all scary movies went badly and ended with a very sleepless night for both of them) and even just trying foods (KrakenKid has noted that Tanith eats almost anything, though weirdly gets a guilty look on her face when eating his Special Chicken)

Who Drives And Who Calls Shotgun?

Selena doesn't let Blooper drive because he's a terrible driver who has no speed control so she insists on doing it herself.  Unfortunately, this means Blooper runs the radio and she has to listen to whatever he wants, which varies depending on the day.

Who Is Most Likely To Carry The Other?

CannibalCrab will most defiantly drag Pikalus everywhere, especially to get him to sleep. The conversation normally goes something along the lines of:
"Pikalus! You need to sleep! Do you know what time it is?"
"I'm busy making groundbreaking work here! Leave me alone!"
"Five more minutes.... Hey wait! PUT ME DOWN!"
"You're going to bed!"


Joe calls KrakenKid "SquidBoy" while KrakenKid retaliates with "ChickenMan" making them sound like the weirdest superheros ever.

Who Sings Along To The Radio?

KrakenKid does, and even thought CannibalCrab thinks its terrible, he's sure not going to stop him. He actually finds it pretty cute, mainly because Kraken always has this huge grin on his face when he does it.

Who Worries The Most?

Despite the fact the Tanith worries over a lot, KrakenKid is more so when it comes to the relationship. Tanith gets quite a few texts from him making sure she's okay and though cute, she does laugh about it with Blooper, who gets similar texts but in larger quantities.

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