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Cody- Gryffindor
Cody is a pretty classic Gryffindor! He's brace and adventurous and wants to always do the right thing. He's daring and is more than willing to bend the rules if needed. Plus, he has that funny side to him that most Gryffindors do.

Joe- Hufflepuff
Not sure why but I'm getting strong Hufflepuff vibes from Joe. You know, he's kinda that guy who's got a heart of gold and if you dare touch his friends he's gonna murder you but don't worry, he's a Cinnamon bun. He's a little more cautious sometimes with dangerous things but still doesn't mind doing them if his friend is going to.

KrakenKid- Slytherin
Yep, sure you saw this one coming but it fits. KrakenKid takes whatever he has and uses it to his advantage to get what he wants from people. He might break some rules but never his own. Plus, he's cunning and ambitious, always aiming for gold, even if it seems hopeless.

Selena- Ravenclaw
Selena normally is one of the first people to point something out and seems pretty observant most of the time. Plus, she's good about remembering common sense when others forget it. Not only this, but Ravenclaws have curiosity as well and creativity, and pranks do require that.

Sam- Ravenclaw
Like Selena, Sam has a lot of the same traits. I've honestly never seen her do something that didn't make sense and she's quite intelligent. I think it fits well.

Professor Pikalus- Slytherin
Yep, here's why. Professor is SUPER ambitious. To him, the cost doesn't matter, just the end results. He's willing to snap the rules in half to get results and self reliant. He pretty much fits most of the traits listed for Slytherin.

CannibalCrab- Hufflepuff
Yes yes, he's a Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are extremely loyal and that's exactly what CannibalCrab is. He's a pretty genuine person, I haven't really seen him try to trick anyone other than maybe a couple lies because he doesn't want to get in trouble.

Blooper- Gryffindor
Yeah, Gryffindor fits. Blooper is daring and is willing to take on pretty much the world if he has to. He definitely doesn't mind bending the rules to his advantage and once again, has that classic Gryffindor fun side that most but not all have.

Optional: Tanith- Hufflepuff
I figured I might as well do it. Tanith is a Hufflepuff, willing to be loyal to the end if you let her get attached. She's pretty much the type to AGGRESSIVELY CARES ABOUT YOU that some Hufflepuffs tend to be. Plus, she has a lot of the traits of a Hufflepuff, though does lack some.
Jet lag is so great, wow, taste the sarcasm.

Do you guys agree with me, or no? Tell me! I'd be interested in what you think what else would work!

Also, Updates are gonna be random because I'm now in a completely different time zone that's like 10+ hours ahead of my previous, so that interesting. Plus, I'm on vacation so I probably will only be able to update this book.

Anyways, I hope you liked this! Be sure to comment what you think, and opinions whether you agree or disagree with me! See ya!


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