Pre-Valentine's Day Fun

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Alright, for the sake of Valentine's Day, I wanted to do a thing where I was going to make a long entry of random stuff, so here it is! Hopefully soon-ish and not too far from the actual day of Love and Romance, I will do a special for it, but what I will be doing is going to be a little secret ;)

Anyways, commence the long note thing I plan on making!

First things first, Today!
On the day before Valentine's Day, I got word that (Correct me if I'm wrong) but Feb. 13th is actually Internet Friends Day! So, I thought I'd just leave a little thing here just to say:

Thank you! All of you have been so supportive and friendly and really made this all the more enjoyable! I really love being on Wattpad with all of Ya'll and it's just been plain amazing!

Another thing I wanted to do was just to leave this little observation here:

Poseidon In Most AtlanticCraft Fanfiction: Either he's the person that everyone looks up to, kinda like a guiding voice to Cody and sometimes even appears in dreams, which does make a lot of sense for him to be like that given what we know.

Or a cryptic guy. He might appear in dreams but normally is seen as someone who knows and controls what happens to his citizens in Atlantis. Kinda like someone who is holding the puppet strings in a play. Also makes a ton of sense, given that's what powerful beings normally are!

And then there's Me.

Poseidon In To See Through The Enemy's Eyes: Poseidon was willing to commit genocide to "Save" his city, in an attempt to do keep it alive and probably wasn't the best father or someone his kids could be proud of. Might Have Been/Probably Was A terrible person.

I just.... Wow me, way to make people question Poseidon and who he really was. I mean sheesh, GENOCIDE? Why do I do this? Oh yeah, because STORY

.... Moving on.

The other thing I noticed in my own work was Tanith's evolution. What I mean by that is that she was a very different person before I even started the story. She was going to be practically a completely different character then when I started out. I should probably explain myself.

For example, Originally, Tanith was going to be Human. Not sure if she was going to be completely human or not, because another thing I was going to do with her was make it so the Nexus (For some reason) didn't agree with her and she couldn't breath normal Atlantis Water and had to wear a weird device around her neck that allowed her to do so.

Another thing I was going to do was her personality was going to be quite different. First off, she was going to be an explorer, constantly wanting to see new parts of the world and settled in Atlantis to study it. She was going to be excited about every single little thing that was in Atlantis and constantly take notes on the life and culture there. She was going to be extremely upbeat, and optimistic all the time and always just a complete spaz. She was going to love rock climbing and swimming and be really good at sword fighting and carry a red rapier where ever she went.

I had no idea what she was going to be called at the time, but I think I was planning on always using Kennedy as some sort of last name. Also, she was going to have a pet lion.

Of course, a ton of that got changed by the time I started the book.

Probably the last thing I want to do is this: ATLANTIS GAMES PART 2

In case you didn't know, Valentine's Day history is actually kinda brutal. Marriage was banned for a time because it distracted Soldiers to have a lover to come back to during war. This one guy said "Screw it" and started marrying people, even against the law. Later, he was found out and executed.
That's the history of the Day of Love, and to honor that brutal-ness, I thought "MORE HUNGER GAMES"

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