Pick Ten Meme

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So I found this one meme that basically requires you to pick Ten characters, numbering them, and based on what numbers go to what situation, see how it plays out.

I didn't look at the meme ahead of time so none of this was planned, I literally asked Wolf-Wisdom to give me characters and here's the order she gave me!

1. Cody
2. Joe
3. Selena
4. Sam
5. Professor Pikalus
6. KrakenKid
7. Blooper
8. Tanith
9. CannibalCrab
10. Ace

So this ought to be fun! Let's go!

1. Number 4 {Sam} finds a time machine! What do they do?

Sam of all people? Something tells me she knows that if you screw with time, time gets really twisted so she'll probably use it for little insignificant things, like screwing with people. Especially Cody. Make herself in a couple places at once just to screw with him.

2. Number 2 {Joe} falls in love with Number 9 {CannibalCrab} but knows that Number 9 {CannibalCrab} is dating Number 6 {KrakenKid}. What happens?

I didn't expect it to go like this but this is hilarious oh my gosh

I feel like Joe might back off a little because he doesn't wanna mess with love but would totally watch from a distance. You know, unlike his brother who crashed his Ex's wedding

3. Number 1 {Cody} wakes up in Number 3's {Selena's} house with no memory of how they got there.

The most likely so far! It'd probably go something like:

Cody: Salami, did you drug me?
Selena: You got drunk. Rough night
Cody: Pshh, no way, I'd never-
Selena: Yesterday was the anniversary of Joe leaving
Cody: *Tearing up* Is there any left?
Selena: ...Why did I say anything? No, just deal with this like a healthy person

4. Number 7 {Blooper} receives a love note from Number 5 {Professor Pikalus}. What does it say? How do they react?

What the heck

Honestly, it's probably really in detail and long, straight up poetic and Blooper is so confused until he reaches the end and realizes Professor mailed it to the wrong address and it's not to him after all.

5. Number 10 {Ace} and Number 6 {KrakenKid} get married!

Hm. What to make of this...
I... I got nothing, man. Good for them? Not sure if that'd work but okay

6. Number 2 {Joe} and Number 5 {Professor Pikalus} are stuck on a desert island. Who survives longer?

Freaking Pikalus. Joe is great but Pikalus is a monster at survival. He'll own every animal in there by the end of one year. Joe might be able to packbond better though... Probably Pikalus though.

7. Number 9 {CannibalCrab} beats up Number 3 {Selena}. Why?
Hmmm.. Probably-


Selena: You can't hit a girl!


I'm trying I swear!

8. Number 8 {Tanith} murders Number 4 {Sam} and Number 10 {Ace} takes the blame.
Holy heck... Iceshard1011 , this sounds like one of your shorts

But this is dark. This probably means that Tanith or Sam is out of their mind, resulting in a death, unless it was an accident... Then Ace is at the wrong place at the wrong time and it all just falls apart for him. He runs but eventually gets caught and Tanith just feels more and more guilty but isn't sure if she can tell Cody the truth... This got dark

9. ZOMBIES! How does Number 7 {Blooper} react?

Blooper: *Tear falls down cheek* Finally... *Cocks shotgun* All those hours playing video games has payed off... I'm ready.

10. Number 2 {Joe} traps Number 1 {Cody} in a hole.


Cody: Why did we watch Lion King yesterday...

11. Number 6 {KrakenKid} is captured by Number 3 {Selena}. How does Number 10 {Ace} react?

Ace: Uhhhh

KrakenKid: *In cage* Help!


Ace: *Slowly backs away*

12. Number 7 {Blooper} and Number 9 {CannibalCrab} go on holiday together. Where?

Probably somewhere both of them can enjoy... Disneyland, where it's sunny, fun, and plenty of crabs/seafood. How the road trip there would go however... Oh boy

13. Number 5 {Professor Pikalus}, Number 1 {Cody} and Number 3 {Selena} are all cursed! What happens to them?
This actually sounds plausible...

Professor, cursed with being Hulk forever, unless he gets true loves kiss... Cody is really jealous, he wanted that curse.

Cody, cursed with not being able to speak until he learns his lesson. He's suffering inside while KrakenKid is quite enjoying it.

Selena, cursed with being inside a mirror, only able to move exactly the way others move, but is still able to talk. She's not having a great time with Blooper's acrobatics

14. Number 2 {Joe} and Number 4 {Sam} visit a haunted house.

I imagine Joe being all like, "Pshh, how scary can this be?" Then screams the whole way, clutching Sam's arm as she causally walks through it, not even flinching.

15: Number 9 {CannibalCrab} is genderswapped! Describe Number 8's {Tanith's} reaction.

Tanith helps him/her through his/her new life of being a female with new female needs and shows off the fashion and stuff, taking him/her on a trip to get some sweet clothes. CannibalCrab actually enjoys this quite a lot.

16. Number 2 {Joe} throws a surprise party for Number 6 {KrakenKid}

Joe: *Jumps out* Happy birthday!

KrakenKid: How did you get into my house?

Joe: You're now really old!

KrakenKid: Okay, that just hurt... How did you know my birthday?

Joe: I got you a present!

KrakenKid: I'd love some answers but I'll take that too.

And that's the end!

I found a Ten Character meme recently and wanted to try it out! There are some more too, so if y'all want more, I can certainly do so!

I hope you guys liked this! Be sure to comment what you think! Goooooodbye!


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