Headcannon- Native Language

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So most of the Realm Of Atlantis is either an animal, or half animals (Except Professor) so I was thinking, can they understand what animals of their kind is saying even outside the Nexus translating and stuff? They are animals after all

If so, I can think of some entertaining situations!

For example, Cody and Professor Pikalus go to the zoo and when they visit the penguins, Cody starts causally having a conversation and joking with the other penguins leaving Pikalus to be like "What?" and at one point Cody's all like, "HAHA, ARE YOU HEARING THIS GUY? HE'S HILARIOUS!" and Professor just looks at the penguin and is all like "Uh??? What?"

Another one is KrakenKid, Blooper and the Illithids all knowing a squid/kraken language and talking to each other, maybe discussing plans of attack then turning to people like CannibalCrab, Bruce and Gnash and being all like,

KrakenKid: *In squid language* Did you guys get that?

Non-Squid Generals: Uhhh....

KrakenKid: *Still in different language* What? Is that a no?

CannibalCrab: Kraken, you aren't speaking normally again

KrakenKid: *Finally switches to the universal language* Oh sorry, here we go! Wait... Does this mean I have to repeat myself?

CannibalCrab: Yep

KrakenKid: DANG IT



So, what 'cha think? Yes, no, maybe so?

I came up with this and was all like "HOLY CRAP PLEASE" so I decided to share!

I hope y'all liked this! Be sure to comment what you think of this and I'll see you all later! Goodbye!


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