1 How you met

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Luke: You were finally at the meet and greet for 5 seconds of summer. You loved all the boys equally, but there was always something about Luke that made your heart flutter. As you were called up for the picture, you asked each boy for a hug. Each boy hugged you, and when you got to Luke, your heart stopped. He rested his cheek on your head. "What's your name babe?" Ashton asked as you posed in between him and Luke. "Y/N," you replied, stuttering as you said it. "Hey," Luke leaned over and whispered into your ear. "Don't be nervous." "Why shouldn't I? I'm meeting my favorite band." He looked at you as the photographer got ready. "Because, you being nervous will make me nervous and I don't think you'd like that." He smiled down at you as you smiled up at him, giving up the perfect picture. They signed your shirt as well, and under Lukes was his number, asking to call you after the show.

Ashton: You worked in the local music store as a cashier. The day had been dull and there was no more than ten customers. Who would blame them though? It was a Saturday and people had plans. You sighed heavily, turning the page of the magazine you were reading about your favorite band. As it was finally quiet, the ding of the bell and a crowd of loud boys came in. They couldn't be more than your age, and they all were extremely attractive. You looked at one of them with his bright blonde hair, and the other two (a blonde and a brunette) skipping around looking at guitars. "They aren't gay I promise," a voice said. You jumped slightly, looking to the side of the counter where a boy with glasses and curly hair stood. "I...I wasn't thinking that." You stared at him with his amazing eyes and gorgeous smile. "I'm Ashton," he said while holding out his hand. You took it and noticed the caluses on his hands. "Y/N. You a drummer?" You asked as he put his hands in his hoodie pockets. "Yeah, I was looking for some tape for my hands. Do you recommend any?" You smiled and nodded, showing him the types of tape and talking to him about his band. At the end of it all, he invited you to his show where afterwords he asked you to dinner.

Michael: You had two sides of you, but you were far from two faced. You were very in style and all that, but by night, you became an intense gamer. You played every game you could get your hands on and would stay up until the late hours of the morning playing. Your roommate was your best friend, but eventually she would get fed up with it and demanded you turned off the audio. You bought a headset instead, to keep the noise down so you could hear it. One day, as you were playing the game froze. You knew it wasn't lagging, but then all of a sudden the console ejected the CD at rapid fire and you picked it up, looking at the crack in the middle of it. You grunted because this was your favorite game. And it wasn't cheap, it had taken you a good month to save up for it at work. You pulled on clothes and made yourself look decent as you made your way to the store where you bought the game. When you arrived, you told the people your problem and they said they would let you exchange it for another copy. You thanked them, even though you couldn't get any of the data back, meaning you had to start from scratch. You looked down the aisles, looking for the game. As soon as you spotted it, you saw a boy with bright blonde hair holding it and heading to the register. "Excuse me!" you called at him. He turned his head, watching as you ran to meet him. "Is that the last game?" "I'm afraid so love. You didn't want to get it did you?" You huffed, not appreciating his attitude. "My copy is damaged and the store said I could have the last copy." He looked at you with his piercing green eyes. He squinted his eyes before smiling. "You can have it, just as long as I can come home with you to play it, because they told me the same thing." You smiled and nodded and the two of you stayed up till nine the next morning both talking and playing the game you both desperately craved.

Calum: The bass of the club was going through your body as you weaved your way to the bar. You ordered a coke and rum, wanting something that would make you forget the horrible day you had and something that would give you a nice buzz. You sat at the bar and scanned everywhere, not necessarily looking for someone to take home, but if there was any potential in the crowd. But then you saw him, your abusive ex boyfriend. You couldn't avoide him now, he had seen you first. He quickly made his way to you. "Y/N, how have you been?" You cringed, smelling the alcohol and smoke on his breath. "Fine Kyle. I'm about to leave though." You set your empty glass on the bar and made a path to the door, but not before he grabbed your arm. "Hey, I want an actual answer from you. How have you been?" He squeezed tighter and you winced in pain. "You're hurting me, please stop." You pulled away from him and made it outside. You felt him grab you again, wrapping his hands around your neck. "You're coming home with me babe," he breathed in your face, making you cough at the rancid odor of him. You tried fighting him off, but it was no use. You closed your eyes when his lips came towards yours, but gasped for air when he let go of your neck. "Didn't your mother tell you that's not how to treat a woman?" You sank to the ground crying as a boy with dark hair punched your ex in the face. He walked over to you on the ground, helping you up. "Hey, hey it's alright," he cooed wiping away the tears on your face. "I'm Calum. Who are you love?" "Y/N," you whimpered as you felt your pain in your neck and arm. "Here, tell me where you live and I'll take care of those for you." He wrapped an arm around your waist as you guided him to your house where he made you feel better than you ever had.

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