135 He takes care of you when you're hungover

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Michael: "I'm never, ever, ever drinking again." You groaned as you slowly rolled over onto your back on the bed. You opened your eyes slowly and saw Michael sitting beside you holding a glass of water. "Here," he handed the clear liquid to you and gave you an advil to take with it. "This will make you feel better." You slowly leaned up to grab the water and pill from Michael. "Thanks." You mumbled as you took the pill and drank the water, placing is on the side table beside you before collapsing back on your bed.

Calum: "Hey," Calum's soothing voice said as he took a seat beside you on the couch, "How are you feeling?" You looked over at him and cocked your eyebrows upward. "Like shit. Tequila really hits me hard." "Hah!" Calum laughed, "Just tequila? Need I remind you of the seven shots of tequila you did along with the four coolers and two beers. Don't forget when you started to drink Gin right out of the bottle." Your eyes widened at him and you leaned your head against his shoulder. "Did I do anything bad?" "You tried to have sex with me-" "I did what?!" You yelled, immediately regretting that choice as your head started to ache once again. "I'm kidding. You were just really touchy sometimes, but that's not a problem. Let me get you some water and advil." He kissed your forehead and got up to grab you those essentials. "You're the best."

Luke: "Luuuuuuke," you whined, reaching for the bucket that wasn't in your reach. He rushed towards you and handed the bucket to you. "Maybe next time you should go a little easy." He whispered as he stroked your hair, moving it out of your face. "I feel terrible." You cried, holding the bucket closer to you. "Just think of it this way," He held your hair back and smiled down at you, "You now know what hangovers are like, so maybe you won't get that drunk anymore!" "More like I am never drinking again." Luke laughed and rubbed small circles on your back. "You say that now, but once you're at a party where there are drinks you will drink." You nodded your head and took a deep breath as you felt like you were about to throw up; once again.

Ashton: "Hey, drunkie." Ashton grinned as he walked into the living room. You looked up at him then back down. "Why is it so bright?" "It's two in the afternoon." You opened your eyes again and kept them squinted, trying to adjust your eyes to the newly found brightness. "Where is everyone?" Ashton took a seat beside you and gave you a bottle of water. "They left a long, long time ago, (Y/N). Just drink up and lie down, alright? Once you get up you're going to feel like you need to throw up again." "What if I need to throw up again?" Before you finished your sentence, Ashton grabbed a small trash can and put it beside you. "You're a life saver."

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