94 He does your Make-Up

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Luke: "I don't think you know what you're doing," you said as he put eye shadow on you. "I do too now quite before I mess up." You sighed and he made you stay quiet the entire time, occasionally making noises. "Ok I'm done!" He said in victory. You opened your eyes and noticed he didn't do that bad of a job. "Luke, did you use eyeliner on my lips?" You said noticing your lips looked black. "You're not supposed to put that there?" You patted his cheek before wiping your lips off. "You tried."

Ashton: "Y/N, Lauren taught me something can I try it on you?" He asked, standing in the doorway of your bedroom. "What?" "It's this thing to do to your lips to make them look bigger," he said grabbing some of your lip gloss. "Ashton, do you know what you're doing? That's expensive lip gloss," you protested as he pulled your face towards his. "Just hush and be patient ok?" You looked at him intently as he focused on your lips. "I've never stared at your lips this much oh my god," he laughed as he was finishing up. You looked at the finished product in the mirror. "Wow, that's so cool," you said looking more close. "I wanna kiss you so bad but I don't wanna ruin my hardwork." "Waht if we go eat then you can," you said jumping off the bed.

MIchael: He had no experience doing this, but he still tried. "What's this powder stuff and why is there a big brush?" He said holding up blush. "You put it on your cheeks like this, give me." You took the make up from him and put it on your cheeks. He watched as you took another brush and put on foundation. "How do you know what's what?" He asked as he put on your eye shadow. "Well, when you buy it there's a lable," you giggled and he pulled out your mascara. "Ok, I'll try not to stab you," he said, sticking his tongue out in concentration. "Michael Gordon if you stab me I swear to god," you said but he ended up not stabbing you. "You look as good as when you do it yourself," he said smiling in victory. "You got mascara on my nose!" You screamed as you got blush on his pants.

Calum: He was really good at doing this, considering his sister would play dress up with him growing up. "If this band thing doesn't work I can go and be a make up artist huh?" He said as he put your foundation on. "You could, but just stick to music for now babe," you said as he did your eyeliner. "I don't get why you complain about this liquid eyeliner shit. It's not that hard," he said pulling away from you and you looked at your eyes. "Oh my god, I've never been able to do that with my eyes," you said looking at them. "Yeah, I could be a makeup artist now."

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