116 The boys find scratch marks on his back

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A/N: His POV

Michael: "We're going in the water, are you coming?" Ashton had asked me. My head shot up and I looked over at Luke and Calum who had already gone into the water. I got up and took off my shirt and threw it onto the towel. I turned around and saw Ashton looking at me with an eyebrow raised. I gave him a confused look then slowly walked towards the water. "Rough night last night with (Y/N)?" He laughed as he patted my back. I slowly stopped and groaned. "She left marks didn't she?" I turned and looked over at Ashton who nodded his head with a huge smirk on his face. "Oh boy did she ever." He laughed as he ran into the water. "Michael got some last night!" He screamed as he ran towards Luke and Calum who were now both looking at me and whistling. I swear sometimes I hate these guys.

Ashton: First night of tour and the first night away from (Y/N). It was weird being away from her, but I got to see the boys. We were all dead tired and wanted nothing more than to get into the tour bus and just crash. I stripped down to my boxers and was about to jump into my bunk when Calum called my name. I turned around and he was looking at me with a smirk. "I guess you really said bye to (Y/N) last night, didn't you?" He chuckled and I just stood there confused. "Yes? I said bye this morning, too." I narrowed my eyes, not knowing where he was going with this. "So, you fucked last night and this morning? Nice." He laughed and Luke came into the back of the tour bus. "Nice marks, Ash." Luke commented as he patted me on the shoulder. I turned around and glared at the two of them. "Oh, fuck off." I muttered as I got into my bunk, slightly laughing at them.

Calum: "What's up?" Michael asked as I was rubbing my back. "Back hurts a little." I shrugged it off, not wanting them to know exactly why it was hurting. They'd never let it go. "Sleep on it weird?" Ashton asked as he took a seat down beside Luke. I shrugged my shoulders, trying to avoid any further questions. "Possibly." I said as I was about to sit down. Michael gave me a weird look then smirked at me. "You were with, (Y/N) last night, right?" He asked me and I nodded my head. Well, he knew. "Let me see your back." He said and I sighed, giving in and taking off my shirt. I knew if I didn't he would most likely rip it off. "Turn around." He said as I slowly turned around. I could hear them all mumbling things then Michael touched my back and laughed. "Shit, eh? She drew blood." He said as he continued examining my back. I turned around and grabbed my shirt and threw it on. "Alright, let's move on now." I groaned as I sat down as they continued talking about my night with (Y/N) last night.

Luke: "What shirt for tonight?" Calum asked as he held up a singlet and a tshirt. I looked at the two and nodded towards the singlet. He gave me a small smile then took off his shirt and put on the singlet. I went looking for some shirts in the clothing rack, but stopped when I felt someone hit my back. I slowly turned around and saw Ashton and Calum giving me the look. I slowly turned back around and continued to look for a shirt, but they started to laugh. "Oh, Luke! Faster! Harder!" Calum said in a high pitched voice. "Ohm fuck!" Ashton had said in a lower voice. I turned around and looked at them, my face was bright red. "Guys-" "On a scale of 1-10 how is your back because it is destroyed." Calum said as he brought a mirror over so I could see my back. I looked in the mirror and noticed the red scratch marks all over my back. I looked down in embarrassment and they continued to laugh at me. "It's alright, mate. Been there, done that." Ashton said as he grabbed a shirt and walked out of the dressing room. That was embarrassing.

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