169 Secret talent

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Luke: You were walking around a hotel that the boys were staying in. You decided to come on tour with them but you got bored so you started to wander around. You were walking when your eyes land on a black piano. When you were little you used to play piano all the time and you were amazing at it. You decided to sit down and start playing. Little did you know, the boys were standing behind you the whole time. They came looking for you because they were done with rehearsals. When you were done, you heard clapping behind you. You turned around to see all the boys. "Brilliant," Ashton commented. "I always knew my girlfriend was special," Luke said as he sat next to you on the piano bench.

Calum: You were out with your friends when Calum called and told you he'd be there to pick you up soon. You were at a gym. Your friends were dancers and did gymnastics but you don't really do that stuff. You used to when you were little, though. Your friends knew you were really flexible so they told you to try and do stuff. You got really into it and by the time Calum came, with Michael by his side, you were doing back bends and back flips. "Wow," Michael said, "someone's got a secret talent." You walked over and said bye to your friends. "Not much of a secret," Calum says, "it shows in bed." That earned him a smack from you, followed by a chuckle from Michael.

Michael: You went on vacation with Michael for a few weeks. You both decided on Madrid. Michael thought it would be hard for you to communicate so the whole way there he was saying how he is so fluent in Spanish and how he can communicate with everybody there. While your there, people come up to you and Michael and Michael has no idea what they're saying. You, since you've taken Spanish in school for many years, interrupt and start speaking with the people. Michael is shocked by the fact that you can speak fluent in Spanish. When the people leave, Michael asks, "Why didn't you tell me you could speak Spanish better than I can?" "Because I thought it was cute that you tried," you answered.

Ashton: You were waiting for Ashton to come home from the studio. You got so bored so you pulled out a pencil and a pad of paper. You started drawing a face. Not just any face. You drew your boyfriend. It came out fantastic. You hear the door open and footsteps come up the stairs. You make the finishing touches as Ashton comes into the bedroom. "Whatcha doing, babe?" he wonders. "Drawing," you mumble as you fill in the last detail. He crawls on the bed, up to the open spot that is right next to you. "Is that me?" he asks. "Yep," you answer. "It's amazing," Ashton says, wonderstruck. "Thank you," you smile.

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