185 How you meet

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Ashton: You were running late for work. Again. Despite your lateness there was no way you were about to miss your morning coffee. Quickly leaving the house you rushed into the coffee house and grabbed your usual. You raced out of the building and swiftly turned the corner, stumbling into someone and spilling your drink everywhere. "Shit shit shit!" you muttered. "Whoa there, it's no problem, really. Are you okay?" You looked up at who was speaking to find a tall and admittedly gorgeous boy staring down at you. A blush crept up your cheeks as you stumbled over your words. "Uh yeah sorry. I'm (Y/N) and I'm late." The boy let out a laugh and replied, "I'm Ashton and you're cute."

Calum: School had finally let out for the summer and you couldn't wait to start your holidays. Your roadie uncle was working One Direction's Take Me Home tour and you were joining him in America for a couple of weeks. You got off the plane and got a taxi to the venue as instructed. Once inside you couldn't find your uncle anywhere and began knocking on every door and asking anyone who passed. You were about to knock on one door when it swung open and you jumped a little bit. "Did I scare you?" a dark haired boy who looked about your age asked. "A little...um have you seen (Y/U/N) anywhere?" you questioned. "He's probably setting up. Maybe I can give you the venue tour while we look for him?" You nodded your head. "I'm Calum, by the way. You?" "(Y/N)," you responded. This summer was going to be fun.

Luke: You couldn't even remember exactly how you met your best friend Luke. I mean, you were both less than a year old. Your mothers had met at a playgroup and when they became best friends their children did too. You and Luke grew up together, went to the same schools together, took part in the same sports together and even went through your awkward teenage years together. It was the type of friendship that everyone presumed was something more but you and Luke had spoken about that and always decided that you were best suited as friends. You couldn't wait to have Luke with you throughout the rest of your life and are so glad your parents decided to attend that playgroup.

Michael: You were on vacation with your parents in Australia visiting your older brother who'd moved here a couple of years ago. Your brother was having a barbeque at his house and invited a few of his friends over. "This is going to be so boring," you moaned. You hated sitting around listening to adults talking about taxes and the weather and just wanted to go to the beach or something. When everyone started arriving you noticed a boy who definitely wasn't an adult. You made a beeline for him, desperate for some other teenagers. "Hey I'm (Y/N), (Y/B/N) is my brother and you have no idea how glad I am you're here," you introduced. "I'm Michael. My mom dragged me along to meet the neighbours but what do you say we ditch this and head to the beach?" It was like he could read your mind. After a few minutes you both quietly slipped out of the house and headed for the beach.

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