190 You tell his/your parents you're trying for a Baby

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Calum: "It'll be fine," Calum reassured you. You were going to tell your dad that you and Calum were trying for a baby. He was really old-fashioned and said that if you were ever thinking about it that you had to tell him. The problem was that even though you'd been dating for years, your dad never saw Calum as 'husband material'. You entered the house and sat your dad down on the couch opposite to you and Calum. "dadyousaidwehadtotellyouandwearegonnatryforababyokay," it all came out of your mouth at the same time. Your looked over to your father and couldn't unravel his expression. He stood up and held out his hand to Calum, shaking it firmly. "I'm glad you told me," he stared down Calum. "But I'll be having a few words with you, son."

Luke: Luke's family had always been big on parties so when you'd announced your engagement they couldn't resist a get together. Everyone you loved was milling around, congratulated you and Luke and having a fun evening. Suddenly you hear the clinking of glass and turn to see Luke. "I'd like to propose a toast," he raised his glass. "To my wonderful wife-to-be (Y/N). And hopefully soon we'll have a few children-to-be. To (Y/N)!" Everyone raised their glasses with Luke and applauded him. You felt a tap of your shoulder and went to face Luke's mother. "I didn't know you two were trying," she smiled and rubbed your shoulder. "You do now, mum," Luke came around behind you, resting his head on your shoulder.

Ashton: You were at an Irwin family dinner with Ashton, his mother and his brother and sister. Things were going pretty smoothly. You'd always felt comfortably in this family because you knew they admired your relationship with Ashton. "So," Ashton's mother began at the dinner table. "Can I expect grandchildren anytime soon?" You almost choked on the salad you were eating. "Actually," Ashton took your hand in his and intertwined them on the tabletop. "We're trying," he smiled proudly at his mother who laughed and gave good wishes to you both.

Michael: You and Michael had permanently relocated to America couple of months ago but you regularly kept in contact with both sets of your parents through skype and emails. One day you were on skype with Michael's parents talking about your future. You two had no plans to get married yet because it seemed like a lot of hassle with all your friends and family dotted around the world. There was one thing though - the two of you had recently agreed to start trying for a baby. "Any marriage plans?" Michael's mother asked hopefully as she usually did. "No, you know where we stand on that," you let out a breath. "But we are going to try to have a child." You watched the screen as their faces lit up and Michael pecked you on the cheek, glad to make his parents so happy.

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