181 Quirky Thing He Loves About You

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Ashton: Animal Sweaters Obsession / What he found quirky about you was your obsession with animal printed sweaters. He didn't have a right to judge you though, since he had a slight obsession with screen tees in which he usually cut up to make muscle tanks. You, however, had a crazy amount of sweaters with animals printed on them. You had sweaters with animals ranging from cats to unicorns and Ashton had learned to love each and every one of them. While he was away, he would usually pick you up a new sweater.

Calum: Thick-Rimmed Glasses / He knew girls these days had an obsession with wearing glasses that needed no prescription, but when he noticed you were starting to wear those thick-rimmed glasses from the mall, he knew he had to grow used to it. However, it didn't take long for him to accept this change because he thought you looked incredibly attractive with the glasses on whether you needed them to enhance your eye sight or not.

Luke: Talking to Yourself in Spanish / You were taking Spanish lessons in school and you were having a difficult time understanding and learning it all. When you hung out with Luke, you decided to talk to yourself in Spanish. He noticed what you were doing, but never questioned you since he knew you had begun learning. It had gone on a few weeks though, and Luke usually caught himself staring at you while you walked around your room speaking Spanish. He loved it though; he thought it was incredibly cute.

Michael: Peanut Butter Obsession / Since you and Michael started dating, he had noticed your love for peanut butter. It all began when he bought you a box of chocolates and you had practically neglected every piece of chocolate in there besides the one with peanut butter. He thought it was weird at first, but came to realize that was one quirky thing he loved about you. While he had an obsession with pizza, you had an obsession with peanut butter. There was no room to judge.

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