122 He finds your diary

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Michael: After you asked him to go into your bag he reached in and pulled out your diary instead. Ignoring your protests he opened it and flips through the pages, smiling at them. "You really like my eyes, huh?" He asksed as you finally rip the diary out of his hands. "Don't be nosey, but yes, yes I do." You said irritated, shoving the diary back in your bag and grabbing the book you had originally asked for; Michael continued laughing at how flustered you were.

Ashton: "This looks cute." Ashton said as he held up a small pink book with a small lock on it. You laughed and shook your head as he grabbed the keys that were attached to the book. He unlocked the little lock on the diary and began to read through it. He started to read aloud an entry that you had completely forgotten about and you grabbed it from him. He just smiled over at you and laughed. "You're adorable."

Calum: He was helping you clean your room and then he randomly stopped. You hadn't noticed that he had stopped and you definitely didn't notice that he had found your diary. He looked at the diary for a few moments before opening it and reading a few pages. He looked back at you and set the diary down, not wanting to invade your privacy anymore.

Luke: "(Y/N), you left your book thing on the table!" Luke called out as he was about to walk into your room and hand you the book, but instead he stopped and looked at the little book he had in his hands. "I shouldn't..." He looked at it for a couple more seconds then finally gave in and started to read it. He was stopped when you came out and yelled at him for reading it.

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