74 Someone walks in on you...

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Hey guys, if you may or may not know...tomorrow school starts again for me...the fucking 10th year...PARTY...NOT

...but whatever, here's the update:

Ashton: Ashton wasn’t expecting you to come and visit him on tour so when you opened his hotel room door he was more then happy. “Oh my god! y/n you weren’t suppose to be here for a week!” “Well I decided to come early so we had even more time together! so what are your plans for the afternoon?” “Uh we have a interview in a while then I think we’re just going to be tourists for the night” “sounds fun” you said sitting on the bed next to him. “Yea but I just got an email saying something just got booked for me” “Really I just got here” “Yea but I think you can come to” “Oh yea!?” you asked excited “Oh yea!” he said grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him “What’s your angle here Ash?” “Me? nothing!” he said pulling you into a deep kiss. You started unbuttoning his shirt and he did the same to you. Your kiss was deepening and you started getting heated. The door to Ashton’s room opened without either of you noticing. As you started getting hotter and hotter the bedroom door opened “Ashton we got to…wow…sorry” You got off of Asthon putting your shirt back on a walking into the bathroom “What the hell Luke?” “Sorry mate we’ve got to go she’s going to be here a while I’m sure you’ll make up for lost time…come one” Ashton got up and walked out of the room shaking his head. 

Calum: Having a 4 year old daughter sex is pretty much at the bottom of the priority list. Sofia Juliet had dance classes so she could take after her mother and music classes to take after her father. Plus Calum was working all the time with the band and you had your own job working all the time. It was your 5 year wedding anniversary so Calum wanted to make this special. You had a fun family dinner where Calum had gotten your daughter to give you a card and a balloon and Calum gave you a beautiful watch. After dinner Calum gave Sofia her bath and put her to bed and you two wer sure she was asleep Calum looked over at you “time to celebrate!” he said with a wink. He leaned in and kissed you and you adjusted to him being on top of you. “I missed this” you whispered “so did I” Calum said working his way down your neck. This progressed rather quickly and right before you began you heard the floor board creek and you both looked in terror to see your daughter standing there with her stuffed bear in her hands. You pushed Calum off of you pulling your shirt over your head “I can’t sleep” she said rubbing her eye “how about a warm milk that’ll do the trick” you led her to the kitchen leaving Calum on the couch hot and bothered as you were warming the milk you looked over to Calum “Believe me I’ll make up for lost time” 

Luke: It was your birthday and you were spending it with your boyfriend before you had the awkward family party no one liked going to. Luke took you to a beautiful dinner and gave you beautiful jewelry. After dinner you strolled hand in hand back to your apartment that you shared with Luke. You collapsed on the couch “that dinner was delicious” “yea it was but time for some more fun” you knew what he was eluding to until he took out you favorite movie from behind his back “you look disappointed babe” “well when you said having more fun I thought we were going somewhere else with that. He giggled putting the DVD in “don’t worry we will” a little into the movie you could feel yourself getting tired so you looked up to Luke to try to get things going with Luke fully agreed to. Within moments things were completely heated between you two on the sofa as the movie continued to play. Luke picked you up leading you to the bedroom both of half dressed and giggling the entire way. As you made your way to your bedroom you heard you front door open “y/n Happy Birthday” said a familiar voice. “you squirmed to get out of Luke’s arms as you laid you on the bed crawling on top of you. “Luke stop” but before long your bedroom door opened “Happy birth…..oh shit” your sister was standing in the doorway with her boyfriend two of your best friends Calum Ashton and Michael. She quickly closed the door and you could hear them all cracking up. “Maybe we should come back later we’re not that hard up for a party” everyone cracked  even more “we’ll come back later” your sister said heading out the door. After you made sure the door was closed you ran out and locked it and came back locking your bedroom door behind you “Where were we?” 

Michael: Your parents were away for the weekend and you weren’t suppose to be home for a day or two. Michael came over to watch movies and keep you company until your parents got back because you didn’t like being in the house alone. One night Michael came over and as soon as he walked in the door you could tell he wanted something. When you guys kissed hello it was way hotter and deeper than usual and you were fine with that. After you guys ate dinner and cleaned up and went to watch tv michael was on you and kissing deeply you were into and let it progress quickly. You led Michael upstairs to your room as he kicked the door closed. After a while you were almost there when you heard a car pull into the driveway. You shoved Michael off of you “I think that’s my parents Michael rolled over with a huff as you ran to the window see they were already out of the car. Before you knew it there were feet on the stairs “y/n we’re home…hello?” “SHIT!” you quietly yelled shoving michael his clothes and into the hallway as he saw your dad round the stairs he ran into the bathroom trying to get dressed as quickly as possible while you were trying desperately to make the bed and get dressed you had just put your shirt on as the door opened “hey we’re home!” you were so relieved until you looked down to see Michael’s boxers on the floor you tried to shove them under the bed with your foot but your mom spotted them “Who’s are those?” she asked as Michael walked out of the bathroom like nothing was going on. Your mom looked over at Michael then looked back at you with a wink “we’ll talk later” great sex education with your mom for the rest of the night!

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